Chapter 1

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"Percy!" I screamed. I was sitting on the bathroom floor, hands clinging to the edges of the toilet bowl. Zoe and Charlie were crying in the next room. I could hear Percy running up the stairs. He opened the door wide, Riptide at the ready.

"What? Whats going on?" he asked, spinning around. "You son of a bitch" I growled, glaring at him. "What?" he asked, capping his sword. "I'll kill you!" I roared, trying to get up which only resulted to my throwing up once more.

"Annabeth, what's going on?" he asked, looking scared. I glared at him, wiping my chin. I pointed to the counter and Percy got up to look. He gasped and looked down at me. "You're pregnant?" he asked.

I nodded, rolling my eyes at my idiot husband. "No shit sherlock, now get down here and hold back my hair" I said as I hung my head over to the bowl, releasing once more.

I felt Percy come from behind, using one hand to hold back my hair, the other to rub calming circles on my back. When I finished, I cleaned up while Percy tended to Charlie (now 4) and Zoe (2 and a half).

"I can't believe this is happening" I groaned, as I laid on the couch. Charlie had gone to preschool and Zoe was napping. "I know but we'll handle it just like we did with Charlie and Zoe".

I gave Percy a look. "Percy, last time we quote 'handled it', we started a war, killed hundreds and you went crazy". Percy frowned. "I'm sure this time will be better. Besides, when Piper and Jason had Chris, everything went fine" he said with a smile.

"Our future daughter Zoe came back with their future son Chris to fulfill a prophecy, you were sent to Tartarus, Reyna died and their son was born prematurely and almost died" I said, buring my face in a pillow.

Percy sighed and sat down next to me. "This is a recipe for disaster" he said. I nodded. "Many people will die" he said. I nodded again. "And we are still going to go through with it" he finished. I nodded once more.

***So thats chapter one. I promise, this book is purely super cute percabeth scenes, none of that crazy prophecy crap, thats for my other PJO7 book that I'm currently writing featuring Caleo. Anywho, I hope you enjoy, sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be cute and long, I promise! I love you little demigods! -Izzy

Percabeth Part 2Where stories live. Discover now