Chapter 15

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When I woke up, I was alone but this time, I was in a different location. I stood up, dusting myself off. Surrounding me was simple white. Nothing but white. It was like a snowstorm. I turned around and saw a figure standing with their back turned to me. It was a woman in grey robes and long black hair. I instantly recgonized her as my mother, Athena.

"Mother?" I asked, stepping towards her. She turned around with her usual stern look. "Annabeth? What are you doing here?" she asked. She sounded worried, a rare sight from my mother, her voice was higher than usual as if she wasn't expecting this.

"Whats going on? What is this place?" I asked, walking closer to her. "You're stuck in the void between our world and the Underworld. You aren't supposed to be here, its supposed to be Luke here, not you" she gasped, rushing over to me.

She touched my arm, which only made me worry. She never showed physical affection. "Mother, what is happening?" I asked, this time louder. Athena sighed, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Listen to me Annabeth. I don't know what is going on. This was supposed to be Luke. He's escaped, Kronos is still inside of him, we were going to trap him, the gap between the worlds but he has taken you instead" she explained.

"What? No, Luke is good. He's good now" I urged, not believing what she was saying. Athena shut her eyes, shaking her head. "I know thats what you want to believe but thats not Luke. The Luke you knew died a long time ago" she whispered, turning her head away from me.

I took a breath, I just got him back but I never had him to begin with.

"So what now?" I asked softly. Athena rose her head. I knew that look. "You're body is going to need to be able to come out of this coma. The baby will be born but there is an ancient prophecy, one that tells of Kronos ending the son of those that wronged him".

"We have to warn Percy, let me out of here" I exclaimed. Athena shook my head. "The reason we created this cage is so Kronos will not be able to escape. One beating heart must be in it at all times. Kronos is mortal, he has a beating heart. It only opens when there is more than one beating heart inside. This means that once you're inside, you cannot get out unless another heart enters. I am immortal, my heart is frozen" she explained.

I just shook my head, "No, that can't be right" I said softly. "I'm so sorry darling" she whispered. "W-what about my baby? You have to warn Percy" I urged.

"I will but I'm afraid that won't do much good. Percy must leave on the quest. If he doesn't, the entire camp will burn to ashes. Normally, we gods don't concern ourselves with mortal matters such as these but this is a city of our kin, we cannot allow them to die"

"But you're willing to send Percy to his death then? After everything he has sacraficed for you?" I spat. Athena took a deep breath, I knew I was trying her patience. "I'm leaving but I must warn you. This place will try your mind. You will have all of your body funtions, including hunger but you cannot die. You are immortal here but the key is your heart. Your mind will loose itself if you are left in here to long so try not to think much" she said, turning around.

I scoffed, Athena wanted someone to stop thinking. "Wait" I said. She stopped, slowly turning around. "When Percy is gone, make sure the kids are happy and safe. Its the least you could do" I said. Athena blinked, knowing what I was refering too. "I will not fail you" she replied.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


"Percy!" exclaimed a voice. I looked up from Annabeth and saw Thalia running inside. She looked exhausted. I let go of Annabeth, standing up to face her. "It's Luke" she gasped. "He's awake". 

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