Chapter 13

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I sat alone at Annabeth's bedside. She had a large bandaid around her throat and more down her chest and stomach. There was a breathing tube coming from her mouth. That was the worst part, knowing that she couldn't even breathe on her own. Annabeth couldn't even do the most basic of human capabilities.

 It hurt that I couldn't kiss her lips. I just wanted to know if she could at least hear me. The doctor said there was a 50/50 chance that she could, that was a chance I was willing to make. So I talked to her, gods, I must have talked to her about anything and everything. 

At first, I told her I loved her. I did that a lot. I moved on to explaining what was going on, just incase she was scared (though that was doubtful) or confused. I didn't tell her about the baby, in fact, I didn't mention it. If there was a chance she could here me, the last thing I wanted to do was make her freak out about more than just herself. 

After that, I talked about our friends, their current conditions. Everyone was doing well, Rachel's heart stopped twice during surgery but came back quickly. Luke was still in a coma, Thalia hardly ever left his side, just as I did with Annabeth. 

Piper was on her due date though there has been no signs of her going into labor as of now. I just wanted to keep her updated. I told her that the kids were with my mom, as were Thomas and Chris. Everyone sort of gave their kids to my mom as a babysitter. Mom loved it and her services were used often as there are many non-child-friendly in our lives.

"I haven't seen Charlie or Zoe since the day I had my last episode. That was 5 days ago. I tried to call but I couldn't bring myself to do it" I whispered, squeezing her hand gently, careful not to touch the IV. I chuckled, "I know what you're going to say, that I need to manup and talk to my kids. But what if I have an episode with them in the room. I can barely stand to be in the room with you" I replied to myself. 

"You're right, its just a phone call" I paused looking down at her. I brushed the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. I traced my finger from her eyebrow to her cheek. Her skin was so soft but she was a little warm. If she had a fever, things could get much worse very quickly. 

"Nurse!" I called looking away from Annabeth and up at the door. A young man ran in with bright pink scrubs. "Can I help you?" he said, running his hair through his afro. I nodded, standing up. "She's warm, I think she might have a fever" I said pointing to my wife, not letting go of her hand. 

The man nodded, walking over to her. He checked the monitor and her temperature. The nurse frowned before putting his hand over Annabeth's forehead. He just shook his head. "She's at 98.6. Perfectly normal" he said softly. 

I nodded, looking back down at Annabeth. This is the 3rd time I've called him in here today. I keep panicking, like something is going to happen to her. I sat back down in my chair, relieved. 

"Sir, I assure you. If anything happens, we will know" said tha man. I just nodded, unable to say anything. I was oddly enough, embarassed. "Visiting hours are almost up, if you aren't going to spend the night then you're going to have to leave" he said softly. I checked my watch, it was indeed around 10 pm. I can't believe the day had gone by so quickly. "I'm going to stay" I said touching Annabeth's arm, rubbing circles on it. He nodded once more before leaving. 

I held on to her hand. "It's late my love, I'll call the kids in the morning. For now, I'll stay here with you" I whispered, pulling the covers on her bed up to her chest. Throughout the night, I didn't sleep at all.  It soon got very cold in the room. I tried to find her more blankets but to no avail. Finally, I crawled into bed with her, careful not to tug or pull on any wires or tubes. I wrapped my arms around her then took her hand in my own. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


When I fell asleep, I listened to Percy's voice. I couldn't see him nor reply to him. It was like I was sitting in this big black void listening to him talking. Thats when I heard what was going on. Luke and I are in a coma, just as I suspected. He said that I was fine but I could tell he was lying. Another voice entered a few times, each time, Percy sounded more scared. The voice talked about my breathing tube and medications so I figured that was my doctor. 

Percy talked about eveything, he talked of Thalia sitting with Luke, Piper close to term and the kids. Percy sounded upset and angry when he talked about them. He said that he wanted to see him but he was afraid he was going to scare them. After a while, Percy got quiet. I assume he fell asleep. I wanted so badly to wake up and tell him to go home to our kids, back to our life but it wasn't that simple. Life never is. 

When I woke up, I had a raging head ache. Luke was sitting next to me, fiddling with a rock. "Goodmorning sleepy head" he said with a smile. I returned it, sitting up. 

"I think we need to find a way out of here" I said softly. Luke nodded, standing up. He held out his hand to help me which I graciously took. My head was killing me. I rubbed my temples trying to ease the pain. 

"Head aches?" Luke asked. I nodded and he sighed, "Yeah, thats what woke me up. Its funny, the sound of Thalia's voice while I was asleep was so calming yet its what caused a trainwreck to happen in my head". I looked up at him, "Thalia was talking to you?" I asked. Luke nodded. 

"Percy was talking to me, he said that Thalia was with you. He also said that you and I were in a coma. We were right. Maybe we need to sleep to wake up?" I pondered, thinking of other explanations. "You're right, maybe if we push through the head aches, we can wake up!" he exclaimed. I smiled wide as he threw his arms around me. We jumped up and down in a moment of glee and excitement. 

Suddenly, we both stopped. Luke looked down at me with his big blue eyes. He looked so happy and content. He gazed into my eyes and I could hear his heart beating. His cool breath hit my skin as he leaned closer. Finally, I realized what was happening. 

Seconds before our lips touched, I pushed him back. He stumbled before catching himself on a stone pillar. "Nope! Nope! Nope! I am not doing this with you. I can't do this with you. I-I love Percy" I stuttered, backing away. 

It was in that moment, I realized something I knew all along. I loved Percy Jackson. I loved him all the time, everywhere. Nothing could set us apart. I knew that I loved him and that with everything we had been through, I had a right to be selfish. I made a decision, I will not let Percy go to Russia to die. Its simply not going to happen. We'll stop the Russians before they reach the camp. We've evaded prophecy before and dammit, we'll do it again. 

"I love Percy" I said firmly, looking Luke up and down. He looked hurt, confused, embarassed and slightly angry. "Yeah, I-I'm sorry" he said scratching the back of his head. I nodded, looking at the ground. "We should uh, we should go back to sleep. So we can erm, wake up" I said sitting on the ground. 

Luke nodded, doing the same but he turned his back to me as he laid down. I turned away from him as well, only making the situation more awkward. 

***Kind of short but the last one was long so give me some credit. So, Luke has made his move. How do we all feel about this? I don't feel good and I will tell you right now, I am a Percabeth shipper and I will go down with this ship so this whole Luke-Annabeth thing, not gonna happen. But it does make for a good story so I'll continue to tease for a bit longer:) Thats the best part of being the author. I can do whatever the fuck I want. This story just got a whole lot more interesting didn't it? Okay, thank you so much for reading, if you want any particular headcanons to be written into the story or any fun/cute/horrible/feels shattering ideas, please leave it in the comments below and I will do my best to work them into the story. Thank you all again so much for reading! I love each and every one of you demigods! -Izzy

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