Chapter 18

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Hunger. It was all I had on my mind. Athena had warned me that I'd get hungry sooner or later but there was nothing I could do about it. It was just another way these walls would torture me.

"Annabeth?" called out a voice. I was afraid to look up. I didn't trust myself anymore, this could just be another figment of my imagination but I did anyways.

I gasped when I saw Percy standing there. He had Luke/Kronos' body unconscious at his feet.

"Percy?" I whispered looking up at him. I glanced at his hair, a streak of grey, his arm had his tattoo and his eyes were the brightest green I'd ever seen.

"Oh gods" I gasped, standing up then running to him. Percy wrapped his arm around me, holding me close. "Thank gods you're alright" he exclaimed, stroking my hair as I buried my head in his chest.

I felt tears in my eyes as he held me tightly. I never wanted to let go of him.

I looked up at Percy. "The kids? Are they okay? Did they make it?" I asked. Percy grinned and nodded. "They are with my mom right now" he replied before kissing my forehead.

"How did you defeat Kronos? Tell me everything" I exclaimed wanting to know every detail. Percy nodded but sighed, pulling away.

"There is time for that later, we don't have long before we are trapped here forever. Take my hand" he said softly, holding out his hand. I nodded, taking it graciously.

"Nico! We're ready!" exclaimed Percy. Suddenly, everything went dark before a burst of light came.

We were at our house. Piper was sitting in the living room with Chris and a small baby in her arms. Chiron was there along with Nico and Sally who was holding a baby bundled up in a pink blanket with Zoe and Charlie sitting next to her.

I instantly ran to them. Zoe jumped into my arms. I held her close to my chest, breathing her in.

"Oh gods, mommy missed you so much" I cried holding the back of her head, kissing her all over.

I let go of Zoe and looked up at Charlie. He sat on the couch with a big smile on his face. I held out my arms to hug him and he did the same.

I gasped, looking at him. His right arm was gone, just a stub on his shoulder covered in white gauze. Charlie ran into my arms as I embraced him. Over his shoulder, I looked up at Percy. He must have  seen the terror in my eyes.

"Kronos" he mouthed with a sympathetic look on his face. My heart shattered and I was filled with anger. That man deserved to rot in that hellhole for all eternity.

I didn't say anything to Charlie about his arm. I didn't want to upset him.

When I let go, my eyes moved to Sally who held a baby in her arms. I smiled wide as Sally held her arms out, laying the child in my own.

My heart filled with joy looking down at him. He was just as Athena described him, sparkling green eyes with blonde hair. He was perfect just like his siblings. The baby cried out, reaching up and touching my cheek. My eyes filled with tears just looking at him. I held out my finger as he wrapped his tiny hand around it.

I looked up, scaning the room for the rest of my friends, Jason, Hazel, Frank. "Where are the others?" I asked, eager to see them again. Percy frowned, running his hand through his hair. He met my gaze and my heart sank once more. "No" I whispered, biting my lip. "They uh, they didn't make it" Nico said with a hardened look on his face.

"So they are..." I trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentense. "Dead"

Suddenly, it all went white. I was back in my cell, Athena was there staring down at me, a panicked look on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked softly. I frowned, inspecting her. I would I know if this is real or not? Was this really my mother or another figment of my imagination.

"Y-yes. I think. I don't know" I muttered, standing up. I walked circles around her, watching her carefully. Her tone was off, it had been from the second I was brought here. She was more gentle, caring, this was definitly not Athena.

The woman cleared her throat. "If you're wondering if I'm real or not, the truth is , I'm just a figment of your imagination" she said softly. I nodded, somehow already knowing this. "So either, I'm becoming more sane by realizing that you're not actually here or I am actually going crazy and you are really here" I whispered.

The woman nodded with a smile. "I'm just your self-concious. You find your mother comforting yet in reality, she is cold and distant. So you put the mind and heart of one like Sally Jackson into the body of your mother" she said.

I sighed, stopping in front of her. "That's just creepy, change into someone else" I ordered, pointing to her. Suddenly, Percy appeared in front of me. He looked calm, the same expression as the woman before him. It pained me to see him, if I couldn't have the real him, I didn't want him at all.

"No" I grumbled. Percy nodded before he turned into Charlie. "Is this better?" asked Charlie, his voice much different and precise. This was horrifying. "Definitely not" I muttered. Charlie nodded before turning into Reyna.

Reyna smiled at me. She was dressed in full Roman battle armor as usual. This was both comforting but it also kept me sane because I knew, she was not coming back.

"Much better" I said with a tight smile. Reyna grinned walking closer to me. "It comforts you to know I'm here, yet you are still confused. Why?" she asked. I scoffed, "The question is, why is a figment of my imagination questioning what I'm thinking. You should already know what I know" I replied.

Reyna sighed, crossing her arms. "Oh you know better than yourself. Come on, you're Annabeth Chase Jackson. You're brilliant. Think woman" she ordered in her usual commanding tone.

I rolled my eyes, trying to think of how this was possible. Then it hit me, none of this was actually possible but it was all completely possible. Whatever my mind thought, it was here. I could control myself as long as I knew what I was thinking. Of course, this all meant that I wasn't actually insane but I had to be insane to do all of this.

"Okay, you're here to help me think of things, understand stuff. But you also know stuff I don't know. If you didn't, you wouldn't know what is going on with Kronos" I argued, glaring at her. She smiled, "Good. Your sub-concious is with your body still, hearing, listening, feeling things. Whatever someone says something, I can hear it. Thats how I know what is going on" Reyna replied casually.

"Why are you suddenly your own person. Quit using personal pronouns. You're still me" I exclaimed. Reyna shook her head. "As long as we are here, we are nothing but the same". I groaned, putting my head in my hands. "Gods this is confusing" I muttered, rubbing my temples.

"You're telling me. This is giving your body a head ache" Reyna complained, rubbing her own head. "Shut up, thats my head your talking about" I retorted.

***Short chapter - sorry for the wait. I know its confusing at the end but it was meant to be. Follow it carefully and you might be able to understand. All you really need to know is Annabeth is trippin'. Finally got my laptop fixed so hopefully I'll be updating more frequently. Thanks so much for ready, I don't tell you guys enough how much I love each and every one of you demigods! -Izzy

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