Chapter 19

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"I'm hungry, is there fastfood anywhere near here?" mumbled Jason, breaking the silence of the car. Frank stirred, waking up from his nap. "Food?" Frank asked, perking up. "Shh, soon. Sleep my love" whispered Hazel in a soothing voice, putting her free hand on Frank's shoulder, sending him back to sleep. A few moments passed before Hazel looked back at us.

"There is a Taco Bell in a few miles. I can sense it, its the gold of the fast food world" she whispered so Frank wouldn't wake up. I had forgotten how wild and cranky Frank was after taking a nap. He was absolutely horrible to be around unless he had food with him right after he awoke.

Jason and I both nodded, grinning at one another. Taco Bell truely saves lives.

Just as Hazel had predicted, we came across a small town with just a Taco Bell, a Piggly Wiggly, maybe 8 houses, a gas station and one intersection. When Hazel pulled into the parking lot, she turned to Frank.

"Frank, sweetie, we're here" she whispered in his ear. Frank groaned, shifting his weight to the window so he was further away. Hazel rolled her eyes, "Come on, time to eat" she said, this time louder and with a bit of tone. Frank instantly sat up, putting a smile on Hazel's face as she looked lovingly at her doofus husband. It reminded me of how Annabeth used to look at me. It gave me a bittersweet feeling in my heart. I just wanted her back but at what cost? I think I knew deep down, Kronos wasn't anywhere near New York, he was in Russia. This was the quest that was going to kill me.

"Percy? You coming?" asked Jason. I blinked, Hazel and Frank were already halfway across the parking lot and Jason was staring at me, holding the door open. I nodded, shaking the thought out of my mind.

Jason and I walked across the frozen ground. It had occured to me that it was December, Christmas right around the corner. We may not be Christians but we certainly knew how to throw a pretty frickin' awesome Christmas party.

When we got inside, we ordered our food and sat down. "Guys, I've been thinking. I think we need to go to Russia" I said softly. Frank choked on his food, Hazel scoffed as Jason looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh sure, we'll just pop on over there in the middle of a quest. It's cool, we can get some Pashka while we're there too" Frank said casually, mocking me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious. The more I've been thinking about it, the less sense it makes for Kronos to go to New York" I paused "I think he knows about the prophecy". My friends went silent, Hazel looked up at me. "He knows that if you're in Russia, you'll die? How would he know that?" she asked. I sighed, "I'm not sure exactly, but the doctors said that Annabeth and Luke's body could hear us, maybe someone mentioned it in the room with him or Annabeth told him, I don't know but what I do know is that Russia is where we need to go".

Jason frowned, "Not we, us. Percy you're staying here". "Like hell I am, Kronos is there because he knows I'll be there. If I'm not there, then he'll just leave" I argued. "Exactly. If you go to Russia, he know's you'll die. Its easy, don't go. Kronos' hand will be forced. He'll have to come here if he wants to get you and if he's out of Russia, then you won't die".

I thought about it for a second then shook my head once more. "Kronos is smarter than that. He's got to be plotting something with the clans in Russia. He knows that as long as he is there, I can't touch him. We need to get 2 steps ahead of him, catch him off guard"

"I think I may have a way around that" Hazel said with a smirk. I frowned, lowering my gaze to her. "Elaborate" I commanded. "I think you're all forgetting an important detail. You have a wizard in your midst" she said with a proud smile. Frank chuckled, wrapping his meaty arm around his small wife. "Brilliant" Frank said with a grin.

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