Chapter 11

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Once Will had me all fixed up, I was required to stay the night for observation. I had some internal bleeding which they are hoping will fix itself because its so minor. I obviously broke a few ribs, my ankle was sprained and I was in a boot but at least I could walk. I had 2 major cuts that required stitches, one on my forehead and the other on my chest. It works out because Annabeth happens to like scars. 

I recieved constant updates on Luke. The doctors had recently diagnosed him as in a coma. The second word spread of his return, people flocked to see him again. And not everyone was happy to see him. They called him a traitor and they demanded he be left to fend for himself, that he didn't deserve to stay here. 

Of course, Thalia came and has been at his side through this whole thing. Leo, unable to handle all of the kids on his own, dropped them off with my mother. I felt bad, I hadn't seen my own kids in over 2 days and my heart ached to see them. 

Then we come to Annabeth. The second I was able to moved, I went to see her but Will said I was not to leave the infimary. This of course meant I was halfway across town from my wife who was in emergency surgery on her uterus where my future child was in distress. 

With all of this going on, how I was handling it seemed rather impressive almost. 

"I hate this!" I screamed, throwing my juicebox across the room. "Hey! Calm down you idiot!" Rachel cried, throwing the now empty carton back to me. She sat across the room, we shared a room. She had broken the majority of her ribs and her pelvis from being crushed under the boulder. She punctured her lung and her liver. She just got out of surgery for her lung and was going back under in an hour or so. Rachel was supposed to be resting but obviously, that was not happening. 

 "Nico is with Annabeth, Thalia is with Luke, your mother is with your kids. Everyone is taken care of. Tomorrow, you can go visit them all!" she yelled, walking rather briskly towards my bed. 

I glared at her. "I can't. I need to see Annabeth now, something could be wrong. She could be dead and I won't even know until tomorrow" I exclaimed. Rachel sighed, running her hands through her hair. "Shut up" she said softly. 

"What did you just say?" I growled, sitting up. "I said shut up!" Rachel screamed, looking up at me with wild eyes. "Annabeth is in surgery okay. She could be dying on that table right now but there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Luke is back from the dead, still nothing you can do about it!" she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. 

I bit my lip, looking over at my friend. She was right, the love of my life could be dying right now and there is nothing I can do. I'm useless. I nodded, laying back in my bed. "Hey, uh, get some rest. You're going to need it" I said softly. 

Honestly, she probably was the biggest hit out of all of us. Then again, Nico might need minor plastic surgery on that pretty little face of his but other than her and Annabeth, they were the only truly serious injuries. Of course, thats assuming my internal bleeding doesn't decided to just blow up then I'm screwed too. 

Hours past, Rachel went into her surgery, they are thinking she's going to need a new liver. So they closed her back up as quickly as they had opened her up so she could be transfered to the real hospital instead of camp. All of the major surgeries were at the hospital unless its emergency. Annabeth was the exception, hers was on more than one patient. 

Frank came to visit, he only jacked up his arm. Other than severe exhaustion, he was fine. They hooked him up to an IV to get some nutrients, put him in a sling and he was fine. 

Jason came to sit with me as well, Piper was at the hospital waiting for results from Annabeth's surgery. As of now, she had been under for close to 10 hours. Something was obviously wrong, despite recieving constant updates, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to break bad. 

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