Chapter 21

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The cool winter air surrounded us. Annabeth stood next to me with our son, William or just Will, in her arms. He was bundled up in a big hat and winter coat to protect from the snow that surrounded us. Below, Charlie, Zoe, Chris, and Thomas played with Leo who was running around, leaving a trail of melted snow as the kids chased him, throwing snowballs at him. Beside us was Jason, Piper and their daughter along with a pregnant Thalia, Frank and Hazel. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Come out and play!" cried Chris. Jason laughed before running into the snow and picking up Chris to whirl him around in the air. "Yo Percy! I could use a little help from your Elsa powers!" Leo cried as Charlie tackled him to the ground. I turned to Annabeth who nodded, "Time to let it go!" I chuckled before running after him as well. I re-froze what Leo had melted, restoring the snow before hailing a dozen snow balls into the air, headed straight for Leo. 

Leo screamed the most girlish scream a man could ever produce, sending everyone into a fit of laughter. Leo was covered in a foot of snow, he popped his head out, spitting out some snow before looking up at me. 

"The cold never bothered me anyway" Leo exclaimed before melting the snow off him instantly. I glared at him, this ment war. 

Before I knew it, Annabeth, Jason, Piper and I were in our snow fort, a dozen or so snowballs armed at our sides. Frank, Leo, and Hazel were in the opposing fort, armed and ready. Thalia was on the balcony with the rest of the kids since she obviously couldn't participate. Despite this, she had armed the children with sling shots and was firing snowballs down at us. 

"Jason, hold the left flank, Piper you're on the right. Percy, when I give the signal, you turn this field to ice you hear?" Annabeth ordered. We all nodded, "What about Leo? He'll just melt the ice field" I said. Annabeth winked at me, "Well you're just going to have to trust me then" she said. 

Annabeth turned to our little porthole to see outside. "Here they come!" she cried. I could hear Leo's war cry plain as day, "FOR NARNIAAAAA" he cried as he and Frank ran across the battle field. "Now!" Annabeth screamed. Piper and Jason threw dozens of snowballas at them, knocking little Leo to the ground and burying him under the snow. 

"Your turn Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said. I put my hands in the snow then ice shot from underneath them, turning the battle grounds into an icerink. Frank slipped instantly, falling out from under himself, landing right on his butt. 

But our victory was short lived as the ground began to shake. Seconds later, a hole opened up from behind us. We turned and saw Hazel standing there, a dozen snowballs at her disposal as she attacked, covering us in snow. That was the end of the great snowball battle of 2015. 

Once we were all cleaned up, we went back outside and sat by our firepit drinking hot coco and talking as friends. I had my arm around Annabeth who was holding Will. The kids were all roasting marshmellows. 

Everyone was happy and for the first time in a long time, we were safe too. The world was our oyster, our kids will have a future. We can watch them grow up, send them to college, maybe even see our grandkids, all without fear of any type of world ending or deadly forces coming about. We were perfectly safe and nothing bad could ever happen. 

I looked down at Will who was cuddling up against Annabeth. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling the two of them closer. Annabeth rested her head on my shoulder only making my smile grow. I've missed this so much. 

"Daddy! Daddy! My marshmellow fell!" exclaimed Zoe, running over to us with a stick covered in marshmellow goo. I chuckled, patting a spot on my knee where she jumped up. "Thats probably because you lit that sucker on fire. Don't put the marshmellow so close to the flame" I said, pulling her hair out of her face. She had chocolate all over her mouth. Annabeth grabbed a napkin with her free hand, wiping Zoe's mouth while I retrieved a fresh marshmellow, sticking it onto her stick. 

"Go watch Uncle Frank, he's the marshmellow master" I said, pointing to Frank who was currently roasting at least ten of them on one stick. I guess in Canada, one needs to have a fire to keep warm, s'mores always come with marshmellows. Zoe hopped off my lap and ran over to Frank and Hazel. 

"The marshmellow master huh?" asked Annabeth, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "After you of course, I still remember those summer nights at the campfire. You and I making sm'ores and Grover would eat the boxes. Those were the best times" I said, smiling as I remembered those days where everything seemed so simple. 

"Now we can relive those days you know? With our new family" she said looking down at Will. I put my arm back around her, just having her this close made me feel at home. This was the new norm and I loved it. 

Will cried out, probably tired. He is on his 3 week home from the hosptial. He sleeps more than most kids do just because he was premature. He gets sick a lot easier. Annabeth was worried to bring him out in the snow and as was I but we didn't want him to miss out on anything. 

"I should take him inside" Annabeth said softly. "No, no, I've got it. You stay here, enjoy yourself. He probably needs a change as well" I said, taking him from her arms. "Thank you, can you get Charlie his scarf, he must have forgotten it" Annabeth said before giving me a quick kiss. "I love you" I whispered. "Love you too" she said before I carried him inside. 

I walked through the house, entering his room. I changed him then put him in the fuzziest onesie we owned before setting him down in our crib. I tucked him in under the dolphin blanket my father had brought as a gift. 

I grabbed the baby monitor, turning it on full volume just incase before walking to my room to grab the extra scarf. As I walked in there, I could hear the calm sea moving outside the large window. I moved towards it, staring out to the ocean before me. The moon shone brightly, reflecting against the water bringing a light show of its self all around. 

There, standing at the waters edge was a figure. I instantly recgonized it as Octavian. Instinctively, I grabbed the Riptide but by the time I had reached it, he vanished. 

***Yup guys, this is it. The end of my Percy Jackson days. Its over, I hate to be the guy who totally leaves this shit at a cliffhanger but whatever, its up for you to decide what's next. Before I leave you all, I'll answer some questions: 

1. Yes, this is actually the end. No joke, its completely over. 

2. No, I will not be writing a Frazel book (at least not anytime soon, if ever).

3. Yes, I will be writing more books just not fanfiction. I think I've sort of grown out of all that, I want to start writing my original books.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to comment! I just want to thank you guys for this wild ride, it's truely been the best years (yes, I've actually been doing this for a few years now) and I cannot thank you enough for this. To all of those who have been reading this shit from the beginning and the newcomers, thanks so much, all of you mean the world to me. If you guys need anything, writing opinions, someone to talk to, someone's virtual shoulder to cry on, it is the least I could do. Message me if you need anything and I will not hesitate to give you my number or email or anything I can do to help you guys.

Now, on a much lighter note than my thank you's, I'll give you a bit of a short summary on my next novel. I'm going for a Doctor Who/Merlin vibe for lack of a better term. It is set in the future where space travel is possible. It's an adventure story with a little romance just to keep things interesting. I won't bore you with all the details but what I will do is give you constant updates on my message board via Wattpad and if you follow me on Tumblr (cheekypiglet). Anywho, so thats that. 

Once more, this author's note my actually become longer than the chapter but I have to say it one more time.

Thank you.

I love you demigods.

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