Chapter 20

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I could hear him. At first, it was just another voice in the sea of screams that surrounded me. The more urgent his voice became, the louder it was. Soon, his voice was booming, overshadowing the screams. 

"Annabeth, please wake up" he cried. Hearing him made my heart ache. He had no idea how badly I wanted to do just that. "Percy!" I cried, standing up. I probably looked like an idiot, screaming to the empty sky like this but if there was even a chance that Percy could hear me, I'll take it. 

"Oh he can't hear you" came a leathery voice from behind me. A chill shot up my spine as the air grew cool around me. I knew who it was within seconds of his arrival. "Though I admire your persistance of faith, I don't plan on staying here for very long" Kronos purred, as he walked around my now frozen body until he came into view. 

Kronos was so close, I could feel his body heat. His arms were behind his back, he was in a black suit, black tie with black leather boots. He still remained in Luke's body but his eyes shone a mezmorizing golden glow, revealing his true self. 

"It's a shame really, if you weren't so damned held up on Percy, you'd make a beautiful Titan bride. It'd certainly make the lingering Luke that remains happy" Kronos paused, looking me up and down like a piece of meat. "I can't say you wouldn't bring me pleasure as well" he said softly. I was disgusted. 

"What are you doing here?" I barked, not wanting to listen to his anticts anymore. "Always right to the point, I could sympathize with Luke's physical attraction to you but honestly, there isn't much else to admire" Kronos growled. I held my head up, I couldn't let him get to me. 

"You know, when Percy told you about the two futures he saw, he failed to mention that you were not happy in the one future he had chosen. Sure you were remarried and in the eyes of everyone else, you were completely content with your life but Percy saw otherwise. Under that happy little face, your heart was broken. Percy figured your broken heart was worth saving the world" he whispered, leaning in so he was breathing in my ear. 

"He made the right choice, a sacrifice I am more than willing to make" I retorted. Despite this, it still stung a bit to know that Percy withheld this from me. Of course I would make the trade, my broken heart for the safety of the world but if Percy thought that I wouldn't agree, it hurt. 

"So rightious. Would it be so bad to be a just a little bit selfish? Just once?" he asked, his voice was silky and quiet like he was taunting me. I turned my attention away from him, Percy's voice grew even louder and I pushed away Kronos, breaking free of his control over me. I could move again. 

"Percy!" I cried, ignoring Kronos' and his own cries of defeat. I felt myself grow lighter and lighter, my head was spinning as my vision grew blurry once more. 

Everything went dark as silence engulfed me just for a moment. Then the steady beeps from hospital equipment came from my left. I felt a hand in my own, holding it in such a familiar way. I squeezed it, trying to let them know that I was okay, I was awake. 

"Annabeth?" said a quiet voice. Using every ounce of energy I had, I managed to open my eyes. My vision was foggy at first but soon, the face of my husband came into view. He had tears in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around my legs, resting his head on my thigh as he looked at me. Percy looked so beautiful with his hair messed up in his old t-shirt and jeans. His embrace felt like home and I was finally happy. 

This happiness ended with a flood of doctors and nurses running in the room. They pushed Percy out of the room, I could hear him screaming from behind the doctors but his screams were soon drowned out by those of the doctors and nurses. 

I tried to remain calm but it came to my attention that there was a breathing tube down my throat, I quickly began to gag, choking on the plastic. A nurse bent over, undoing the tube then told me, "I'm sorry but this may hurt", before the ripped it from my mouth. I began to cry which was unusual in such a situation but I was so overwhelmed. 

"Everybody stop!" screamed a voice. All of the doctors came to a hault and turned towards the figure in the door way. I saw Will standing there, his head wrapped in gauze with Nico and Percy standing behind him. Will looked terrible, he had a black eye with dark circles under them, he was pale which was not good for the sun of Apollo (see what I did there), he was in a hospital gown and he leaned against his IV pole for support. 

"Will, you need to get back in bed. You aren't well" muttered a doctor. Will walked slowly towards my bed, I didn't have the energy to say anything let alone move. Will stumbled but Nico caught him, putting Will's arm around his own shoulders to carry him along. 

"Let's just slow down. Stop, someone needs to explain to her what is going on. Slowly so she knows. Annabeth probably is so drained of energy, she can't move. Let her husband in here, she's going to need the support" Will announced. 

Will looked down at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, you must be so overwhelmed. You've been in a coma for about 2 weeks now. When Jason, Hazel and Frank killed Kronos a few hours ago, you were released. While you were out, your heart failed, they had to perform an emergency C-section. Thanks to Thalia, the baby is perfectly healthy but in the NICU until he is stronger and bigger" Will said in a calm voice. 

He turned his head and motioned for Percy to come over. Percy practically ran to my side. He sat in the chair and grabbed my hand. "I'm here" he whispered, kissing it softly. I blinked, pushing the tears back. 

"Okay, 2 at a time. Do your thing" Will said to the crowd of doctors. It took them about 20 minutes to explain to me all that had happened to both me and my son. I won't be able to see him until I can at least walk which would take a day or so but Percy was free to see him which was fine for now because Zoe and Charlie are free to see me as soon as possible. 

"Gods I love you" said Percy who was now curled up next to me in bed. "I-I love y-you too" I managed to get out. Percy held me closer, kissing my forehead just like he always does. "Save your strength. I've worked it out with my mom to bring Zoe and Charlie here in the morning. You're going to need all the energy you have" Percy said softly. 

"G-go be wi-ith the baby" I said, nudging his side. Percy nodded, kissing my forehead once more before getting out of the bed. "I'll be back later. I'll take pictures and we can name him" Percy said with the biggest grin. I smiled before Percy left and I drifted off to sleep, this time happy. 

***Before you guys freak out, yes, Annabeth is actually awake and this is not a hallucination. Also, there is one more chapter left before I end my PJO7 series. I'm done with Percy Jackson. We had a good run you guys but I think that I need to end this while we are at a high. For those nutbags that really enjoy my writings, do not fret, I am writing more but its all original books. I'll let you know when those come out but it won't be for another month or so. Thank you guys so much but I'll save my big thank you for my authors note in the end. I love all of you demigods! -Izzy

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