Chapter 8

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I waited all morning for Percy. Today was the day of my first ultrasound, he wouldn't miss this. Finally, it was time for my appointment, I had to go without him. So I packed Zoe and Charlie in the car then headed over to Leo and Thalia's place where they offered to baby sit.

"Mommy, where is daddy?" asked Zoe from the back seat. I pursed my lips, "He's at Uncle Nico's. He'll be back soon". "Why is he there?" asked Charlie. I gripped the steering wheel, trying to think of a quick answer. "He's just helping your uncle move stuff, you know, furniture" I muttered, unsure of what to say.

"Where are you going?" asked Zoe. "I'm going to the doctors to get a checkup" I said looking back at them. Zoe was playing with her little football while Charlie had his nose in a book. "I don't like going to the doctors" Charlie said, rubbing his nose. I chuckled, "I know baby. I don't like it either" I replied.

"I like having Mommy and Daddy there, why are you going alone Mommy?" asked Charlie, looking up from his book. I sighed, "I don't know sweetie, I just am".

Finally, we made it to Leo's treehouse. The kids jumped out of the car and ran to the ladder before I could even unbuckle my seat belt. When I got up to the ladder, Thalia was climbing down with Leo.

"Hey Annabeth, hows it going?" asked Thalia. I smiled, "It's fine, and you?" I asked. Thalia just gave me a forced smile. Charlie ran up to us and used his powers to squirt Leo. "Oh no you don't!" cried Leo as he chased after him.

Thalia took my arm and lead me aside. "Whats wrong?" I asked in a harsh whisper. Thalia bit her lip, looking over at little Thomas. He was going down on the slide with Zoe. "Leo's asking for another kid. He asked again last night, I told him I had to think about it" she replied, looking very worried.

"Oh Thalia, you have to tell him the truth. He'll understand" I said putting my hand on her shoulder. Thalia crossed her arms and nodded stiffly. "I'll tell him tonight" she said firmly. I smiled, patting her on the back. "Good, its going to be okay. Leo won't make you do anything you don't want to do" I said.

Just as I said it, my mind went to Percy. He always said he'd stand by me forever but now, my faith in him was fading.

Thalia sighed, running her hands through her hair. "Um, come by and pick up the kids whenever you're done at the doctors. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great. Speaking of which, where is Percy?" she asked.

I frowned, "He spent the night at Nico's. I haven't been able to get a hold of him" I muttered, crossing my arms. Thalia gasped, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Gods, what the hell happened?" she asked. I sighed, looking at the ground.

"He had an episode last night. He didn't want to stay incase he had another. I told him he had to come home for the appointment but he hasn't talked to me. I'm getting worried Thalia" I whispered, looking over to my kids who were playing happily with Thomas and Leo.

Thalia brought me in for a hug. "Okay, its been less than what, 12 hours since you've spoken to him? If he doesn't call by 10 tonight, you can start to worry. Until then, hakuna matata. Okay?" she said in a reassuring tone.

I nodded, trying to ease my mind of any sort of thoughts on Percy. "Who are you going with to the appointment?" she asked softly. "I was going to go with Percy but..." I said trailing off. Thalia grinned, "You simply cannot go alone. I think Leo can handle himself for an hour or so. I'm going with you".

"Thalia, I couldn't. You don't have to-" Thalia cut me off. "Nonsense, you can't go to see your baby for the first time all by yourself. I promised Luke I'd look after you. Consider this my duty to Luke" she said with a smile.

I sighed, she knew I couldn't say no to Luke. I nodded and Thalia's smile grew. "Leo honey, I'm going with Annabeth. There are nuggets in the freezer, just heat them up whenever you get hungry" Thalia yelled to Leo who was playing soccer with the kids - and loosing. "Yeah!" Leo said, clearly not having heard a word she said.

"Love you!" Thalia yelled as she led me back to my car. "Love you too!" Leo called back before falling on the ground, the kids piling on top of him in a big dog pile. Thalia and I laughed as we pulled away, watching Leo try to manage all of the kids at once.

"Maybe this will pursuade him not to have another child" Thalia said with a grin looking up at the kids. I chuckled, "Oh hush now, its easy for you to say because you only have Thomas. Things are far more stressful but its somehow better". Thalia looked up from the road and smiled at me. "Easy for you to say, you have 3". 

I laughed, as did Thalia. It was nice having some alone time with her. After all, she was one of my first real friends. And since she was a tree and then a huntress, she was younger than me now. I must admit, I had wished that I could go back to those days, on the road with Thalia and Luke. Everything was so much simpler. They were my family. I remember how crushed Luke was when Thalia "died", thats when everything started to go downhill. I only wish that Luke could see us now, see Thalia again, to see me again. 

"I miss Luke" I whispered, touching my belly with my hand. Thalia took a deep breath, caught off guard by my statement. "Me too" she replied. 

***Kind of a short chapter, the next one will be long I promise. Thanks so much for reading, question: who else misses Luke? I do, maybe we'll see him again shortly;) I love you demigods so much! -Izzy

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