Chapter 7

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I braced myself for the blow but nothing happened.

I turned my head to see Percy standing over me, fear and shock filled his face. His hands fell to his side as he crumpled to his knees. With his head in his hands, he didn't move. He just kept whispering "No, no, no, no" over and over again. My body was still shaking as I knelt down beside him.

"Percy" I sighed, touching his shoulder. His body tensed up and I let go. "No, go inside, please. I don't want to hurt you" he whispered looking up at me. "Percy, I'll never leave you. Lets just talk okay? We can talk" I whispered. Percy's eyes were filled with tears, I put my arm around him, pulling him close.

"I saw her" he said, his voice shaking. "Who? Who did you see?" I asked, but I didn't need to. I already knew the answer. "Gaea" he said softly. I bit my lip, not wanting to even consider what was going on. "Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to believe it.

Percy nodded, his whole body was trembling. It had been 5 years. 5 good and happy years since his last episode. I thought we had closed the chapter on it. I was never more wrong.

"Come, lets sleep" I said, taking his hand. I stood up to leave but Percy remained on the ground. "No, what if I hurt you or the kids. I'll spend the night at Nico's. If anything happens, he can shadow travel away or put me somewhere else" Percy said, turning his head away from me in shame. 

I knelt back down, taking his head in my hands. "Oh Percy, just come to bed. Its going to be okay" I urged, trying to get him to forget about it all and to go to bed. "Please Annabeth, go. I'll be by in the morning to see you and the kids" he said standing up. 

"I love you" he whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I love you too" I said. Percy turnt and left, I reached out to touch him once more but stopped. It was better for him to be alone. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


When I got out of Annabeth's sight, I sprinted as fast as I could to Nico's house. He lived far back in the woods, only a 15 minute walk which I turned into a 5 minute run. When I got there, it must have been 11 pm but Nico was standing on his porch, two glasses of tea in his hands. 

"Come in, Will and Rachel are in the back. Tell them exactly what happened" Nico said, handing me a glass and putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him with a smile. "Thank you Nico" I replied.

Nico was getting more powerful than any of us could have imagined. He could sense when people were coming, he could hear the undead whispering about the living (they were all quite the gossips). Nico could shadow travel faster, bigger things, he could even send an object or person to a certain area without himself going.  

When I got to the back room, Rachel and Will were sitting there, each with a cup of tea talking about something or another. 

"Oh Percy" Rachel sighed, patting down at the bed beside her. "Lay down my dear" she said softly. I nodded, getting onto the bed. "These two are going to watch you tonight, Rachel can watch your dreams. If anything happens that is too, um, painful, Will will (see what I did there?) pull you out okay?" Nico said with a sympathetic smile. 

"If I hurt anyone, take me away" I said looking to Nico. He frowned, "Thats not going to happen". I sighed, "But I hurt Annabeth, it could happen to you guys".

 Instantly, I felt the pain and guilt of getting that close to hurting her. I hated myself for it, she was defensless, pregnant and gods know what I could have done to harm her. 

"Tell us what happened Percy" Will said softly. I nodded, taking a deep breath. "We were having an argument, I have to leave soon and she was angry. Annabeth blamed me for leaving but she was right. I did want to leave, I wanted to go fight monsters, save the world, go on adventures. She confronted me about it and I just got so angry. It was this uncontrolable rage that just overtook me. I just remember throwing a chair, thats when Annabeth got scared which only made me more angry so I-" I couldn't go on. I was too ashamed. 

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