(PART 1) 01

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Part 01

Kiera Manning remembered the events that led up to the obsession clear as day. The crash was sudden and abrupt. The woman behind the wheel of the car opposite hers had suddenly steered in front of Kiera's car, causing them to crash. Kiera heard that the mother and one of the children in the backseat didn't make it, but the other child survived. That poor girl.
Her saving grace came in the form of a man, who reached into the destroyed husk of her car and pulled her free from its grasp. Dr. Judah Hendrix was who had saved her life, and she would forever be grateful to him.
Kiera remembered the event in flashes of memory. She remembered looking into Judah Hendrix's brown eyes, so warm and comforting. After the car accident that had caused her knee to fracture in 2 places, comfort was exactly what Kiera needed.
The next flash came in the form of searing hot pain as she was removed from the car, which had begun to billow smoke from beneath the front hood. The knee had been crushed in by some form of metal that the collision had pushed into the car. She was on the hot asphalt, her skin screaming in pain. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but Kiera would manage.
The third flash came in the form of a scent and a vision. Cedar wood cologne mixed with a hint of spice, and to coincide with the scent was the vision of Judah sitting in the front seat, frantically trying to get Kiera to the hospital.
That was how Kiera had found out that Dr. Judah Hendrix was indeed a doctor, when he put on his scrubs and began to work on fixing her broken knee. Flash. St. Mercer's. Flash. Being given a sedative to help deal with the pain and to put her under. Flash. Bright fluorescents flaring up and then dying down again as the hospital bed was wheeled across the hall, the wheels squeaking. Flash. Dr. Judah Hendrix helping Kiera get out of bed.
These flashes played like a movie over and over again in Kiera's mind every day. Judah had truly saved her life. He had been there at the right place, at the right time. It was like he had been sent from God, to ensure that Kiera was safe. Kiera wouldn't have been able to get out of the car if Dr. Hendrix hadn't come along, and she would have burned alive.
She was alive, and she knew what she wanted most of all. She wanted to be with Dr. Judah Hendrix for all of eternity. He was her guardian angel, having snatched her from the vicious claws of death. She would repay him somehow, someday. That is, if the aneurysm in her brain didn't stop her first. She didn't know it was there, and she never would.

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