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Kiera blew out the candle, a pool of wax contained within the glass cylinder. The cedar wood scent never ceased to comfort her, but today was Wednesday, and she felt stupid for thinking she could get to the hospital just by walking. She would have to return to classes today, and maybe find some coping mechanisms for being in a car after the accident. She yawned, popped her back, and decided she would do some research at the library about car crash survivors and how they coped with anxiety after the fact.
Wednesday went by quickly, Kiera ignoring the looks she got from passerby. She had received the nickname "Wax Girl", which she didn't mind at all. She was 21, not 16 anymore. Maybe when she was in high school the nicknames would have bothered her, but now they just annoyed her.
Kiera headed to the library after her final lecture, desperate to find materials about car accidents. Sure, she could go home and just use google to find information, but she found herself wanting to be out in public. She was getting tired of being cooped up in her house with only her candles and her bed to keep her company, and she knew deep down that Margo was right. She couldn't hide forever.
She sat down at a computer monitor and began to type. The computer came up with a ton of results. She saw websites telling her to get a therapist (which she couldn't afford), she saw things telling her that the paranoia and anxiety should go away after a few weeks, and feeling satisfied, Kiera got up and was heading out to leave when she heard an awful noise.
The librarian was rolling around a cart covered in books, the wheels squeaking loudly. Flash. Suddenly Kiera was back in the hospital, her bed being wheeled across the floor with those damned wheels squeaking on the linoleum. Kiera had to get out of the library, and quick.
Kiera's head began to pound as she ran out of the library. People looked at her in shock, but she didn't care. She had to get back home to her safe space with her candles, photos and the safety of her bed.

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