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Margo messaged Dr. Hendrix on Facebook the next day. Kiera still hadn't talked to her since their slight argument the day prior, and Margo was worried. Margo wondered if Kiera was sitting at the kitchen counter, planning to hurt herself even worse. It wouldn't be out of character for her in her current mental state.
The message read as follows:
"Hey Dr. Hendrix, my name is Margo Jenkins and you saved my best friend's life. Her name is Kiera Manning and she was recently in St. Mercer's for third degree burns. Listen, I'm concerned that she's going to seriously hurt herself worse. She is burning cedar wood candles through her entire house so that it smells like you, and I think she's developing an intense infatuation with you for saving her life. I don't know what to do. Is there anyway you can help me?"
Dr. Hendrix replied shortly after, and said:
"Hello there, Margo! My apologies for responding so late, I've had a busy schedule today. I'm not sure what to do about your friend Kiera's infatuation, but my best advice would be to coerce her into getting psychological help. Clinging onto comfort items such as candles and even developing infatuations can be common after traumatic incidences like hers, but it's important that we take care of it before it gets worse. Let me know if there's anything I can do in the meantime. I'm going to give you a psychiatrist's number to see if there's anything we can do."
Margo called the number that Dr. Hendrix had attached, and she was told that Kiera may be dealing with a severe case of PTSD. It made sense, considering she was having these flashes of the accident, but it was nonetheless concerning. Unfortunately, Margo couldn't do anything since Kiera herself wasn't willing to seek treatment.

Over the next few days, Kiera continued to not show up at school, and Margo was growing more concerned. Kiera wasn't answering her calls and wasn't answering the door. Margo decided that she would call the police and have them do a wellness check. Kiera wasn't well mentally, so who knew what she would do to herself if she was alone for long periods of time?
Margo had nightmares, visions in her mind of Kiera rotting in her bathtub, her wrists slit wide open with rusted blood pouring down the sides of the overflowing tub. They were grisly, and she was tired of the nightmares. Margo was convinced that it was Cora Manning placing the images of her daughter in Margo's mind. She had the nightmares about killing her, and now she was seeing her best friend's corpse.
This concerned Margo even more, because Cora Manning's murder had actually happened, so what if Kiera's death was also a reality? Margo made herself pick up her phone to call the police. She had to make sure Kiera was okay, especially after she had burned herself on an 800 degree stove just to see Dr. Hendrix again.

The pounding at the door woke Kiera from her slumber. She was dreaming of Dr. Hendrix, holding her in his arms, saving her from her state of misery. She could feel Margo slowly slipping away, and she could also feel her grip on her mental well-being slipping away. Where was her guardian angel when she needed him? Nowhere to be found.
Kiera opened her eyes, pissed off beyond all belief. Who would dare interrupt her sleep? She needed it more than ever. Was it Margo, hammering on the door again, trying to take her away from her savior? Or was it some other person, such as a Girl Scout or maybe even Dr. Hendrix?
She walked to the door, and opened it, seeing a group of three officers standing at the door. Her heart skipped a beat, and the only thing she felt was disappointment, intense and all encompassing. "Can I help you?" Kiera asked. She saw a black haired officer's gaze fall upon the white bandage wrapped around her left hand.
"Yes. Would you happen to be Ms. Kiera Manning?" The officer with black hair asked. Kiera nodded her head, annoyed at the interruption and desperately wanting the conversation to wrap up so that she could go back to her room and burn her candles.
"I am. Why are you here?" Kiera demanded. The officers didn't seem to be taken aback by her hostility. "We are here for a wellness check. We received an anonymous tip that you may be unwell, but now that we know that you are completely fine, we shall be on our way." The officer said. Kiera felt a sharp stab of frustration. Margo.
After the officers left, Kiera shut the door and decided to call Margo. However, before Kiera could even reach the phone, she heard yet another knock on the door. Kiera groaned in exasperation, assuming the officers had came back, and opened the door to see an angry Margo on her front doorstep.
"What the hell is going on, Kiera? I'm your best friend, you can't just ignore me as if I don't exist, you know?" Margo snapped. Kiera was taken aback by how hurt Margo looked. "I-I'm sorry." Kiera stammered. Margo had tears running down her face. "You need help Kiera. I thought you were dead." Margo said, before she fled from Kiera's front porch.

As Kiera showered that night, she thought about what Margo had said. Maybe she did really need help. She had burned herself just so she could be near Dr. Hendrix. But Dr. Hendrix was her guardian angel. It was almost like he had been sent from God himself to pull Kiera from her crashed car. She could have burned alive if he had come by a moment later.
Kiera decided she would call a psychiatrist the next day to see what she could do about her trauma. She couldn't risk losing Margo, who had been there for her when nobody else was. She knew deep down if she didn't heal from her current predicament, she wouldn't have anyone left.

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