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Kiera & Margo sat in front of the TV, eating popcorn and watching the latest terrible dating show, Love Isle. It was their new favorite summer obsession, and they loved to see the fights that would break out. It was a nice way to be distracted from the real life.
As two girls fought over the biggest hunk on the show, Margo was scrolling through her phone. That was when she saw it.
"Dr. Judah Hendrix, found dead at his home. Police have listed his wife, Marcia Hendrix, as the prime suspect. Make sure to stay tuned at 5 for the full Marcia Hendrix interview." The news anchor said.
Kiera felt like someone had punched her in the gut. The man who had saved her life, the reason she was still breathing, had been murdered. He was gone. No amount of cedar wood candles and no amount of memories would ever bring him back.
Margo grabbed Kiera's hand, and she flinched. Margo felt sick to her stomach. "Are you okay?" Margo asked. Kiera said nothing, sitting silent as she stared at the TV screen in shock.
A few minutes later, Kiera spoke. "H-he can't be dead. No, this has to be some sick joke." Kiera said. "I mean, he's my guardian angel after all. Surely he's not dead."
Margo grabbed Kiera by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. "Kiera. We've been over this. Dr. Hendrix was not your guardian Angel. He was just a doctor doing his job. Remember that?" Margo asked.
Kiera began to sob. "He's not dead! Stop using 'was'! He still 'is' my guardian Angel Margo! And you don't see it. Hell, nobody does!" Kiera exclaimed. Margo had no words, so she hugged Kiera tightly.
At 5, as promised, the Marcia Hendrix interview came on. Marcia was a middle aged woman, who had very obviously had plastic surgery done on her nose, who seemed very distraught over the loss of her husband. Across from Marcia sat Joanne Underwood, a classic member of News 6 that Kiera was never really fond of.
Joanne cleared her throat and began talking. Throughout the interview, Kiera didn't blink once. She was hyperfixating on Marcia's expressions. She was lying, and even though most people wouldn't see it, Kiera could. Marcia Hendrix had murdered her husband, and Kiera knew she couldn't let her get away with it.

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