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Marcia was startled out of her daze when she heard the crash. She looked up and quickly pulled open the drawer next to her, pulling out her pistol. Was somebody from Judah's family trying to kill her? Or was it that crazy girl who had been infatuated with her husband?
"I have a gun!" Marcia shouted, to no response. Marcia got out of her chair and closed her laptop, which still showed Kiera Manning's information.
She cautiously inched her way towards the foyer, where glass from the window lay shattered on the floor. She couldn't see anyone, and that was when she felt something smash into the back of her head. She groaned as she dropped the gun on the floor and collapsed.

Kiera stooped over Marcia, grinning as she saw the blood begin to trickle from the back of her head. Flash. The crash. Kiera clutched her head and groaned in pain. Her head was pounding now, almost as if her brain was anticipating her murdering Marcia.
Suddenly, Marcia got up and lifted the pistol, before firing. A lightbulb above the kitchen island exploded in a shower of hot glass as the bullet nearly missed Kiera's head. Kiera looked at Marcia in horror, before quickly snapping out of it and tackling Marcia to the ground.
"YOU KILLED HIM!" Kiera shrieked as she managed to knock the pistol out of Marcia's hand. The pistol flew across the room. Marcia groaned as pieces of broken glass stabbed into her. "N-no I-" Marcia stammered. Kiera grabbed Marcia's hair and began to slam her head into the floor.
As Kiera slammed her head into the floor, she suddenly remembered the file. Her mother. Play into the abusive mother role. Marcia thought to herself.
Marcia grabbed Kiera's hand and began digging her long, acrylic nails into it. "I- I HAD TO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I COULDN'T TAKE THE ABUSE ANYMORE!" Marcia screamed, which caused Kiera to pause. "What?" She asked, genuinely confused.
Marcia looked up at Kiera and began to do her classic cry, that fans always praised her for in the shows she acted in. That's right Kiera, fall for the waterworks. Marcia thought to herself.
"H-He was abusive. I-I don't even know who you are or how you know that I killed my husband, but he was raping me. I had no choice but to push him off that balcony that night." Marcia said as she sobbed, clutching her hands to her chest.
Kiera felt nauseous. Her guardian angel? Abusive? Surely not. Right? No. Dr. Hendrix couldn't be like her mother. Abusive. Always beating. Always tearing the ones they loved down. That wasn't the Dr. Hendrix that saved her that day.
"P-please tell me it's not true. H-he saved my life." Kiera stuttered as tears built up in her eyes. She looked at the mess surrounding her, and she saw the bloody mess around Marcia, most of which from her broken nose.
Kiera collapsed to the floor and began to sob. She was no better than her mother. She had abused somebody else, somebody that did the exact same thing she had. She'd killed her mom for an escape, just like Marcia had. She was very absorbed in her thoughts, but not so absorbed that she didn't hear the beeping sound of the buttons being pressed on Marcia's phone.
Now, fear coursed through Kiera's body. "NO!" She screamed as she flew at Marcia, knocking the phone out of her hand. But this time, Marcia was ready. She slammed her fist into the back of Kiera's neck, causing a rocket of pain to go through her head and neck.
"You're just like your mother." Marcia said with a grin on her face as she sat on Kiera's legs so she couldn't move. Kiera looked up in shock and disbelief. "M-my mother?" She asked. Marcia reveled in the confusion and terror on Kiera's face. "I know she beat you. Is that why you killed her?" Marcia asked. Kiera began to cry and attempted to squirm out of Marcia's grasp.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Kiera screamed. But Marcia didn't budge. Instead, she picked up a meat tenderizer from the counter and slammed it down hard on Kiera's knee cap. Agony shot up her legs and coursed all throughout her body, as Kiera let loose a guttural scream.
"You know why I killed my husband? Because he had a hell of a life insurance policy." Marcia said as she threw the bloody meat tenderizer onto the ground. Kiera wasn't listening though. She couldn't. Her entire body was burning with agonizing pain that Kiera couldn't even put into words. The flashes were coming fast now. The pain in her leg being what caused most of it.
Now she was back to the day of the crash. Hot metal on her tender flesh, burning her. Her crushed kneecap, what had healed was now broken yet again. She felt herself slipping away, but she had to hang strong. Marcia had lied. Somehow, Marcia had known that she'd killed her mother. She was lying about Dr. Hendrix. Kiera kept thinking jumbled thoughts, barely able to form a cohesive one before it melted into the next.
"Should I break the other one?" Marcia asked with a grin. But Kiera didn't see the grin. She had her eyes shut. She pretended to be unconscious from the pain. But she was wide awake, and ready to pounce.
Marcia saw what she thought was the unconscious form of Kiera and smiled, before bending down to look directly at Kiera's face. Now, they were face to face. "Can I tell you a secret? I've never fucked anyone better than Judah, especially because I pushed his sorry ass off the balcony shortly afterwards." Marcia said with a grin. Suddenly, Kiera lashed out with her teeth and bit down hard on Marcia's lips. Marcia began to scream, but it came out muffled due to the hold Kiera had on her mouth.
Marcia quickly pushed Kiera off of her and slammed her head into the kitchen floor. And then she did it again. And again. And again. The first one only knocked Kiera unconscious. The second one was the lethal one. The aneurysm that had formed in her brain two years prior due to the car accident had burst, killing the young woman we once knew as Kiera Manning.

Suddenly, Marcia heard the sirens. She looked up in horror and saw the blue and red lights flashing. Blood dripped from her horrifically lacerated mouth, and the moment an officer entered her house, he saw her, standing over the body of Kiera Manning. That was all he needed to arrest her.

Marcia was sentenced to 20 years in prison without parole, for the second degree murder of Kiera Manning. Even though Kiera's life had ended, it was like she had gotten her revenge for Dr. Hendrix after all.

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