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Kiera & her best friend, Margo Jennings, sat on Kiera's couch, and for the first time since the accident, Kiera felt ready to discuss the accident, and to discuss how much she had begun to admire Dr. Hendrix. She had coined him as her "guardian angel."
"He saved my life. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be here." Kiera said. Margo looked at Kiera and wrapped her in a hug. "I'm thankful for him. He truly is your guardian angel." Margo said, before smiling and gesturing to Kiera's knee, asking her how it was doing.
"The knee is finally healing, but it still hurts." Kiera said. She was taking pain meds to help ease the pain, which it was. Not only that, the flashes of memories were helping to ease the pain as well. She could see hope everytime she imagined Judah pulling her out of her burning car.
"That's good!" Margo said, patting Kiera's knee. Kiera suddenly had another flash of memory in her mind. The little girl who had died in the accident and the one who had survived. Did they have a guardian angel like Kiera did?
"Some drunken sorry excuse of a mother crashed into me and killed herself alongside one of her daughters." Kiera said, tears building in her eyes as she was reminded of her own abusive mother. "I just hope that little girl will grow up to be a strong woman."
Margo sighed and hugged Kiera again. "I'm sorry that this all happened, Kiera. I mean really, most people never have to deal with the ones they love getting into car accidents, so I had quite a shock when I heard the news." Margo said. Kiera nodded in agreement.
As she hugged Margo, she got a whiff of cedar wood. Flash.
As Margo departed, she took the scent of cedar wood with her. Kiera sighed. She went back inside her house and decided that she would take a shower. She needed one anyways, and she was desperate to take off her knee cast and clean her knee thoroughly.

Kiera grabbed a speaker from her dresser, before turning it on and connecting it to her phone. Her favorite song came on, and she placed the speaker on top of the marble countertop in the bathroom. She quickly turned the knobs to adjust the temperature, before she climbed in.
The shower water felt good on her skin. It was like a warm, spring rain, cleansing every last part of her body, mind and soul. She had always loved showers. It was an opportunity to start anew, and to be clean and fresh. It had also been an escape from her abusive mother, who would frequently beat her and make her feel as if she was nothing.
But in the shower, nobody could touch her. Nobody and no one. She was truly alone, and she loved it. She lathered shampoo into her hair and then leaned her head back to wash it out. All clean.

When Kiera got out of the shower, she went to her phone and began to look for Dr. Judah Hendrix's social profiles. She knew it was creepy, but she couldn't help but look into the man who had saved her life, maybe learn a little more about him.
The first thing she wanted to look for was his Facebook. Surely he had Facebook. He did, and when she saw his profile picture, Kiera's heart dropped. He was sitting next to a woman, who just so happened to be his wife. She was kissing him.
That was okay, though! Kiera would survive. So what if her savior had a wife? It wasn't like Kiera wanted a romantic relationship with him. She wanted to be friends with him, however. She smiled and sent him a friend request. She wanted to thank him the moment he accepted the request.
Kiera went on with her day, doing chores around the house as she went on, before she went back to her phone and saw that Dr. Hendrix had accepted her friend request. She felt like she could jump for joy, and she actually did.
Kiera quickly clicked the "message" button and began to type her message to Dr. Hendrix. "Hello, I just wanted to thank you for saving me from that car accident the other day. I will be forever indebted to you." She typed, before sending the message. He didn't take long to respond. Kiera felt giddy.
"Absolutely. It was my pleasure. If you ever need anything please don't be afraid to reach out or even visit me at St. Mercer's!" Dr. Hendrix had replied. Flash. The sign of the hospital. Kiera suddenly felt nauseous and shut off her phone. She had to be alone. The memories were flooding back. She turned all of the lights off and headed to bed.

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