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Margo got the call from the hospital at lunch, where she picked up the phone and was met with the voice of a nurse. She informed Margo that Kiera was in the hospital due to an instance of having severely burned her left hand on a hot stove.
Margo felt sick to her stomach and rushed to the hospital, desperate to see her best friend. It was truly one incident after the other with Kiera. First, the car accident, and now her getting third degree burns on her entire left hand? When would it end?
When Margo entered the hospital lobby, she asked for the room of Kiera Manning, and a nurse informed her that she was in room 601 on Floor 6. So, she entered the elevator and suffered through the tedious elevator music, before rushing to room 601 to see her best friend.

When Kiera awoke, she saw Dr. Hendrix by her side. Her eyes widened, and she began to move her hand to touch him to ensure that he was real when she felt the pain in her hand. Flash. A sharp pain, just like the day she was pulled out of that car.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Dr. Hendrix asked. Kiera smiled and said she was doing good. That was when she saw Margo in the hospital room with them.
Kiera hadn't wanted to stick her left hand on that hot stove, but she needed something urgent so that she could be escorted to the hospital in an ambulance.
The thought of an ambulance comforted Kiera, since she would be in the back and not in the front of the vehicle. So she called 911 and informed them (in the most hysterical voice she could muster) that she had gotten horrific third degree burns.

When the ambulance came, they turned off Kiera's stove and carried her to the vehicle on a gurney, since Kiera was in so much pain she had passed out.
And now she was here with Dr. Hendrix, smiling. "I have a question Dr. Hendrix. Why did you ignore my message?" Kiera asked, not bothering to hide the hint of annoyance in her tone.
Dr. Hendrix looked confused, but then a sense of knowing crossed his face. "I'm so sorry! I'm just so busy that sometimes I forget to answer my messages!" He exclaimed. Kiera grinned and wrapped her arms around Dr. Hendrix. In all actuality, he had no idea that Kiera had even texted him, but he wanted to pretend to know what she was talking about to comfort her.

Margo insisted on driving Kiera home, but she had refused. She wanted to stay in this hospital for the rest of her life, so that she could be close to Dr. Hendrix. Even if he wasn't actively at St. Mercers, she could feel his energy with her.
Dr. Hendrix had gone home for the night, and Kiera was beginning to wish she had brought her cedar wood candles to the hospital with her. She needed the comfort at that moment. Sighing in disappointment, Kiera rolled over and closed her eyes, before falling asleep.

The monotonous beeping of the machines around Kiera had awoken her, and the first sight she saw were the bright fluorescent lights. Flash. She was taken back to when she was here after the accident. Anxiety began to form like a bubble in Kiera's chest, and it was growing more and more by the second.
When Kiera heard the sound of squeaky wheels from a patient's gurney, this bubble of anxiety popped, and she screamed.

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