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It's 7:00am on a Saturday morning, just as the sun is beginning to peak through the closed blinds of Fatima and Zay's (Isaiah) room, in runs Journey jumping on the bed waking up her parents. Journey is a smart and sassy 3 year old but on this day she turns 4 and she's excited because it's her birthday. 4 years ago on this day was a hard time for Fatima. The birth of Journey wasn't smooth as she would have liked it to be. Fatima and Zay weren't in the best space back then. Many break ups and make ups going on between them. They were 18 & 19 fresh out of High school. On top of being new parents, Fatima didn't have a good pregnancy at all.  During delivery Journey was a stubborn little thing, Fatima was in labor for hours before she came. It was like she was waiting on her dad Isaiah to make it to the hospital before her arrival. Fatima wasn't expected to go into labor for another 2 weeks so Zay was out of state at a family reunion, he rushed to find a flight but just didn't make it to see the birth. When Fatima was finally able to hold her daughter she peed right on her, Fatima and her mom both laughed..
As both of the women sit there with wet eyes looking at something so precious so perfect they were happy. Fatima's mom looked at her sleeping granddaughter and said "you gave your mom the blues for 9 months you a trip you know that?" Fatima laughs and says
"not a trip more like a journey..a long one". In that moment the name stuck and they left the hospital 2 days later with "Journey Maya Wilson".
Isaiah loved the name Fatima picked, they settled on the name Skylar but he agreed that the name Journey was more fitting because their love story from high school to present years have in fact been a Journey of itself...but together they produced the most perfect baby girl

Jojo. Mommy!! daddy!! Wake up wake up wake up!! Journey says as she jumps on the bed as high as she could get and plopping down on her bottom

Zay. What are you doing up so early little girl do you know what time it is? Zay says as he grabs her and tickles her, jojo starts to laugh uncontrollably

Jojo. Daddy stop you're gonna tickle me to death..she says through her giggles causing Fatima to turn around just so she could see them playing. There's nothing in the world that she loves more than the small family she created. Her and Isaiah had a long rode before they reached this point in life. They werent always this happy together

Fatima. Happy birthday baby!! she says as she steals Jojo from Zay for some cuddles of her own.. Fatima starts to sing happy birthday while holding her daughter. She does this every year. Jojo loves her mommies voice probably because she would sing to her tummy while she was pregnant. Zay just sits there and admires the interaction between the two girls that run his life but he doesn't complain he loves it.


Fatima and Zay both get up and get ready for the day. It was a good thing that Jojo woke them up because there is so much to do before the party.
Jojo's bday party would be held at the house for family and friends because they just got back from their family trip to Disney world 2 weeks ago

Zay made a breakfast sandwich to go because he had party errands to run so Fatima and Jojo are at the kitchen island eating when they hear a knock at the door. Who could that be? Fatima says with a slight smirk because she already knows who it is. 
In walks Lori (jojo's godmom and Fatima's best friend)..    TiTi!!!   Jojo says darting towards the door to jump on her but stops when she notices a large pink box with a bow.

Jojo. Is that for me she says with the widest eyes

Lori. Of course it's for you baby girl

Jojo. Can I open it now pleaseeee mommy pleaseeee Jojo begs with her lips pouting out which she already knows will get her what she wants

Fatima nods while staring at the gift because she's also curious about what's In the box. Jojo opens the box and squeals because inside is baby cavapoo puppy that she's been wanting forever. Jojo starts to tear up because she's so happy, she's been asking for a sibling or a dog for a while now so she couldn't be more excited about her first gift of the day

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