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Zac and Fatima share a look because the last time they answered the door it was some bullshit. Fatima stomach turns thinking the worst because she's hoping it's not Zena again...
Zac goes to answer it but Fatima stops him

Fatima. Baby wait what if she-
Fatima already starts to tear up
Baby don't answer let's just pretend we're not home

Zac. Let me just check because who the fuck showing up unannounced and if it's Zena she's not getting him I promise you

Fatima. Baby no please don't answer it. Fatima could feel her heart weaken at the thought of losing her son again but she couldn't think of anyone else that would just show up to their house without calling first

The door bell rings again

Zac gave her a reassuring look that he will handle whoever it is at the door she grabs his hand and walks with him to open it..
the door swings open...

Fatima. Mommy??
what are you doing here Fatima asked with her face twisted by the unexpected visitor
Her and her mom have a pretty decent relationship but that doesn't mean show up at their house uninvited
Giving them ptsd thinking she was Zena

Farryn. Is that any way to great your mother. I thought i raised you better than that

Zac interjects

Zac. Hey momma how you doing come in. He says hugging her. Zac invited her inside because Fatima had her standing by the door thinking of ways to get rid of her.

Farryn. Thank you baby at least one of you remembered your manners

Fatima laughed it off but she still wants to know why she's there..

Fatima. Hey how are you, I'm sorry mommy I just wasn't expecting you so I'm a little surprised to see you, you didn't call

Farryn. Actually I did. I didn't get a answer I called you both

Fatima. Oh that's right I haven't been on my phone all day it's still upstairs

Zac. Yeah sorry about that mine is turned off when I'm not working I don't check it. They get 100% of my attention he smiled at Fatima

Farryn. Well I came because you didn't tell me that Isaiah basically kidnapped my damn grand baby what the hell was that about

Fatima. I was going to tell you today about everything that happened but we were just having some family time I was going to call-
Wait how do you know he had her

Farryn. Journey called me on her iPad last night and told me they went to Chuck E. Cheese and then the three of you went to the park and she had a really good time

Fatima's eyes widened because she never told Zac about the park she actually never told him where she found Journey they never talked about it Zac assumed Zay only took her to Chuck E. Cheese

Zac. what is she talking about I thought you guys met at Chuck E. Cheese-

Jojo walks around to find her parents because she's been hiding for a while now

Jojo. Mommy you aren't very good at hide and seek..
LOVEY!! Jojo sees her grandmother standing by her parents.. Farryn scoops her up into her arms

Farryn. Hi Jojo baby I missed you so much she says squeezing her.. then they go to sit on the couch to catch up while Zac is still staring at Fatima feeling like she hid something from him

Fatima. Look I know you have questions and I have answers but can we not do this now

Zac gets ready to walk off, he's so annoyed with her

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