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15 minutes has passed now and Fatima is pulling into the driveway wondering if this was a bad idea but she wants to say her piece then she'll leave. She gathers herself and gets out the car. Walking to the door she thinks to herself that it was a mistake coming back there and she should leave. Her feet turn to head back to the car but she hears the front door open

Zac. Come in Fatima. Fatima stops walking and rolls her eyes she's been caught and it's no turning back now, she turns to face his direction and heads inside thinking she has been to this house twice too many times..... so what brings you by Zac asked knowing damn well why she's probably there. If Fatima felt a ounce of what he felt all those years ago when they met then he knew she would show up to his door

Fatima. Can we just sit and talk again. Zac moves out her way so she can enter she sits on the couch, the same spot she sat the night before thinking why am I here why does it matter how I feel. Zac comes to join her curious about how this conversation will go

Zac. I'm listening go ahead

Fatima. You were right okay, what you said at the school. If I would have just came back to the car or waited for you to walk me in like you said then reality now would be different. I would have never took Isaiah back and it would be me you and jojo. This is all my fault I know I was so stupid but Zac I was only 17. How could I be so stupid to like two boys at the same time. If I'm being honest I have never forgot about that night I even remember the song playing on the radio when you kissed me the feelings I felt they were real they were intense they were hard to explain how could I love someone I just met it didn't make sense to me. So I took Isaiah back because it was safe for me and what I felt for you was scary. So I tried to forget that night just move on and forget what happened convince myself that what I felt wasn't real but Zac it was real

Zac is staring in Fatima's eyes listening to every word she spoke, it's a sigh of relief to know that he wasn't the only one to fall in love with a stranger that night and truthfully it was scary for him too. The only thing he wonders now is why he still had those same feelings when he saw her at the party. It took so long to bury them, tuck them away because she was never coming back and he had to deal with that but they did meet again could it be fate his mind pondered. If this is all true then it's possible she feels them too. He decides to go for it he's never been one to beat around the bush.

With the sound of his heartbeat piercing his eardrums he leans in to Fatima, either she'll slap him or kiss him either way he'll figure out if this is meant to be, answers to questions he's wanted for years.....


Fatima. Okay little girl come on it's time for bed I let you stay up way past your bedtime and it's school tomorrow morning you're going to be so tired

Jojo. Please mommy just one more movie then I promise I'll eat my all my vegetables tomorrow oh please please please she says with her hands balled together tucked under her chin

Fatima. Bribery doesn't work on me little girl only daddy Fatima smiles picking her up to take her upstairs

Jojo. Okay mommy but we're almost done watching all the princess movies we have to finish them all.. jojo has been obsessing over the Disney princesses since they got back from Disney world she loved them before but she really loves them now... Fatima starts to tuck her in but Jojo has another offer to make. Mommy can you tell me a story then I promise I'll go to sleep but I won't be able to sleep good without a bedtime story then I'll have to sleep with you and daddy just so I can get my rest

Fatima can't help but laugh at her daughter she's just too good she climbs in bed next to her and think of the first story that comes to mind

Once upon a time, in a land far far away lived a princess named Fallon. Fallon was a smart young beautiful princess with a bright future and a even brighter heart. One day princess Fallon met prince Isaac and they fell in love. They did everything together so they shared a special bond. The prince and princess were a perfect match until prince Isaac left the castle giving his love away making the princess really sad and her heart black. The princess cried many tears until they ran out. When the princess stopped crying she decided to go to the ball and have fun, she was too young for the ball but she snuck out anyway. She had the most amazing time she was finally able to smile and get a little light back in her dark heart, But the princess got lost it was time for her to go back home to the castle. Before she took off she bumped into a knight. The knight was the most incredible person she's ever met in her life. Her and the knight spent the hours dancing the night away. The light in her black heart was bright again. It got too late and it was time for the princess to return to the castle losing the knight forever. Once she returned she ran into prince Issac who finally came back to the castle to offer his love again. The prince apologized for leaving the castle and assured her he would take care of her heart, but princess Fallon always missed the knights light. She could never find the knight after searching high and low for him so she went off to be with the prince. One day the fairies dropped princess fallon off a magical flower. The flower turned her heart happy and her heart had a new beautiful shine. She thought the magical flower was from the prince , but later she found out that the knight gave her the magical flower. Once princess Fallon saw the knight at a much smaller ball her heart shined the brightest it's ever been because she had the magical flower and the light from the knight.
The end

Jojo. *Yawning* mommy I think princess Fallon really loves the knight the mostest because he gave her the magical flower

Fatima. I think she does too baby she kisses and hug jojo tuck her back in and says good night

Fatima heads to her room, it's been a long day and she can't wait to lay down and rest her mind. She reaches over in the drawer of the dresser next to her and pulls out a box. It's been a long time since she was gifted the gift but she remembers the moment like it was yesterday. She opens it up and holds the promise ring Isaiah gave her when she was 17. She can no longer fit it but she kept it to always have as a reminder. A part of her wonders why he never gave her a more permanent ring at this point in life, Her eyes water a little because all the promises he made he hasn't broken any of them but is that enough. Is Isaiah just her safe place because he's familiar, and is she wrong for wanting her heart to shine as bright as the princess again. She closes the box and puts it back in the drawer and snuggles in her bed. Soon as she closed her eyes her phone went off she grabs her phone to read the message


We have to talk about what happened today. Please don't leave me again I just found you.

Fatima deletes the message and laid back down. Being around Zac she can't control herself it's too dangerous she picks her phone up again and blocks him and lay down and fall asleep.

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