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Zac was the first to wake. He slept uncomfortable all night because everyone was laid on top of him, but he didn't care nothing mattered more to him than being home. Zac felt like he was gone for months but it was only a few days. He wasn't quick to get out of bed he was okay with waiting for everyone to wake up. He reached for his phone on the dresser to see what time it was. Soon as he picked up his phone it was a incoming call from Liam he quickly declined it because his phone wasn't on vibrate so he was sure the ringtone would wake his family which he didn't want. Zac just wanted to live in that moment forever he snapped a quick photo of them all laying on top of him and he posted it on IG with a caption that read "no place I rather be got my entire world on top of me". Before he could lay the phone down he got another call from Liam but he didn't answer it because Fatima was waking up and anything other than his family wasn't his priority at the moment.

Zac. Good morning queen he said rubbing her arm
You were sleep for a while you missed daddy didn't you

Fatima. I haven't slept this good since you were away she said laying on him she wasn't moving anytime soon, they would be in that bed all day if it was up to her

Zac. I missed you too give me a kiss baby
She grabbed his face and pulled him towards her
the kiss was simple but tender she looked in his eyes while she rubbed her hand over his beard..
Was Junie being good to you he said placing his hand on her stomach did the pain go away

Fatima. Yeah he was really active last night probably from the syrup I had with my pancakes

Zac. Mm that sound so good right now
I was tired of eating restaurant and hotel food

Fatima. I can make breakfast again honey it's no problem

Zac. Nah it's cool I'll make breakfast I just want you to relax. You had to hold it down while I was gone but now I'm here to take the load.

Fatima. We missed you so much honey you have no idea she said while she still caressed his face

Zac. What's wrong , you okay you seem a sad

Fatima. I'm okay I just missed you a lot this time without was harder than before

Zac. Well I'm home now and I won't be leaving again anytime soon if that's what has you worrying he grabbed her chin and kissed her again

Fatima. I was just thinking about something

Zac. Can I know what he said smiling

Fatima. So I know you want to spend time with the kids but maybe tonight we can have some alone time just us no distractions I can have my mom watch them and we can sneak away.

Zac. Yeah we can make that happen what did you have in mind

Fatima. Just some simple quality time maybe dinner than a late night walk I just want to spend some alone time with you it doesn't have to be entertainment

Zac. I would love that he said then the air fell silent between them...

Fatima. You promise Zac just us two?

Zac. Yeah I promise
Is everything okay

Fatima just nodded her had

Zac. Baby I'm sorry for leaving I know you have a hard time when im gone but I will not leave y'all again if you all can't come with me then I won't do it.

Fatima. Zac you have nothing to apologize for you did nothing wrong

Zac. Everything about it felt wrong everyday I spent away from y'all was hell I felt like I needed to be here. I  rushed everything got all the work done just to get back here with y'all, a weeks worth of work I narrowed it down to 3 days that's how bad I needed to be with yall

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