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Fatima gets out of bed holding Jaxson. They make their way downstairs to the kitchen to assist with making the breakfast that Jojo must've been dreaming about during the night. Fatima wasn't surprised that Jojo woke up with a large appetite because all she ate was Chuck E. Cheese pizza the day before and when they had dinner at Lori's she barely touched her food. When she got to the kitchen she saw Jojo and Zac all ready with their aprons on. Since the family likes to cook together Lori ordered them aprons on Etsy and sent them directly to their house. Zac's apron says "I like her buns" and Fatima's apron says "I like his meat". Good thing their four year olds can't read and even if they could they wouldn't understand the double entendre. The kid's apron's both say "sous chef" even though they don't help much, they actually make the process of cooking longer because they require assistance. Fatima puts Jaxson down and walks behind Zac who was already chefing away. She stands on her tip toes and kisses his neck and whisper in his ear...

Fatima. You didn't ask me what I wanted for breakfast daddy she said seductively

Zac groans subtly at the feeling of her lips on his spot he loses focus briefly because it's been a while since he's felt her, his temperature was rising as he felt his body give in a little

Zac. I'm sorry queen what you want to eat he asked as he turns to look at her head resting on his shoulder, she doesn't respond right away. She just slips her hands through the opening of his apron to his basketball shorts and rubs on his print.

Fatima. I want daddy she says biting her bottom lip

Zac can feel himself getting excited and so can she. Her thoughts of sucking his soul while he was making breakfast came to a halt after she heard her name being called..

Jojo. Mommy can you get Jaxson's stool because he can't reach the counter and I don't have enough room on mine

Zac was already stirring up a plan in his mind to blow Fatima's back out after breakfast since the kids nap around noon they can have some mommy daddy time which their bodies desperately needed

Jaxson was stirring the French toast mix and Fatima was helping Jojo cut the potatoes for the hash browns. Jaxson was stirring too hard so the entire bowl of mix flipped off the island onto him then falling and breaking on the floor. Zac turns around instantly to lift Jaxson up and sits him on the kitchen island away from the glass. Fatima comes around from her side of the island to help out

Jaxson. I'm sorry it was a accident

Fatima. Baby I know it's okay just sit there. Jojo you stay over there I don't want you to step on glass she says while pointing behind Jaxson at journey

After a while Jaxson could feel the mixture getting on his skin through his apron and shirt so he takes it off

Jaxson. Eww mommy I need a bath

Zac and Fatima were scrambling to get the mess cleaned. Zac picked up the pieces of glass and Fatima was moping up the mixture. They get the mess cleaned then Fatima takes Jaxson upstairs to get bathed ..
After he was done getting all cleaned she let him play in the tub while she got him something to wear. She got him out the tub so they could go back downstairs and enjoy breakfast. When she was in the process of lotioning his body she stopped and looked at the bruise on his back still wanting to kill someone for hurting him. He's just a little four year old so the bruise covered majority of his back. Fatima quietly cried so he wouldn't hear but she was hurting so bad for jaxson. A part of Fatima blames herself for letting him leave that day. She pulls him back towards her and kisses his back right on top of the bruise. She wiped her eyes before turning him around so he wouldn't see her tears. She gives him a big hug then looks into his eyes " I love you baby".
Fatima is going to make sure she tells him that every chance she gets because she wants to make sure he knows he is loved. She sends Jaxson downstairs to get jojo so she could get her bath before they ate breakfast. By time she got done with Jojo breakfast was ready. They sit down at the table and eat...

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