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Fatima remained frozen after hearing the voice message from Liam. Lori called her that morning but she ignored it and silenced her phone. She never got her phone from the dresser so she had no idea that Lori was calling her and from the tone of the message she could tell something was wrong.

Fatima. Baby..
- her voice shuddered
she looked up at Zac for some type of comfort. She was feeling completely hopeless as the bad thoughts swarmed her brain ..
tears start to rush down her cheeks as her eyes meet Zac's who also had a look of worry covering his face. Zac and Farryn heard the message play in its entirety .. the room felt still, motionless as the three of them share looks between each other thinking the worst.
The quietness was deafening and went on for a few minutes before Zac spoke....

Zac. Come on baby let's just go over there I'll drive and you keep calling them both, but you I need you to calm down and breathe please baby calm down for me ..

Fatima. But they aren't answering Zac what if something happened to-

Zac. Stop we not even going to speak it because she's okay, everything is okay. Zac grabs Fatima's hand as they gathered their things to head out the door
Fatima couldn't stop crying, she knew it couldn't be good she just wants to be there for Lori and she feels horrible that she wasn't...

Despite how Zac was feeling about overhearing the conversation in the kitchen between Fatima and her mother, he still tries his best to keep Fatima calm. Fatima developed preeclampsia while she was pregnant with Journey so he knows he has to keep her emotions balanced so her blood pressure stays leveled

Farryn. I got the kids you guys go please let me know how she is..
Lori is basically like Farryn's other daughter her and Fatima have been best friends since junior year. She knows how much Lori's been through, so she's praying that her and the babies are okay..
Farryn walks over to Fatima so she could hug her before they left..

Fatima. Mommy..
That was all she could muster up before crying into her mothers arms

Farryn. Shh shh it's okay baby
She said patting her back it's okay everything will be okay
Farryn got Fatima calm enough to walk out the door then she went and hugged Zac..

Farryn. It'll be okay don't you worry

Zac. I'll try not to
Truth is he was just as worried as Fatima

Farryn. Drive safe and please keep me updated if y'all hear anything

Zac. We will..

Zac and Fatima are in the car headed to Lori's house. Fatima is crying  in the passenger seat so Zac reaches over to grab her hand, he feels awful that he missed all the calls from Lori and Liam because his phone was off, he's just hoping everything is okay...
20 minutes later they pull up at Lori and Liam's house, they don't live too far. They both bolt towards the door and started knocking. No one answered so Fatima used her key to enter. They checked all over the entire house but no one was home.
They called Liam and Lori back to back but still didn't get a answer. After a hour of sitting in the car waiting on some sort of update they decided to go home it was late and at that point they realized it was nothing else they could do other than try the hospitals in the morning.....


Fatima. why did I have to ignore her call, why didn't I just answer the phone

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