Chapter 1

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(Sam pov)

"A shocking case has come to light tonight, as a local teenage girl commits suicide. She has not been identified as of now, however, police are currently..."

I can hear the living room TV from across the house. The TV changes to a different channel. Assuming it was my father, I simply ignored it. I quickly changed mine to the news. The news anchor has moved on from the subject of the a local suicide. Our small county isn't known for the most eccentric stories, this is shocking to most. A buzz comes from my phone. I look down and see a text message from Beau.

"Sorry I won't be able to make it to the cabin :( new case as you may have seen."

I knew it. I get that he has work but I was really looking forward to tonight. A chance to get out of my house and to see him. We have been officially dating for seven months, and yet we haven't gone on a date in weeks. I've known Beau for three years, we've been great friends over those past few years, one of the greatest I've ever had. He's just been busy for a while because of his job which I don't blame him for, I'm proud he is doing what he loves.

My friends and I are taking a gap year from UNC, University of Canford, in an attempt to destress and reconnect. Our uni-lives always have us so busy, so we decided to plan a group trip. It was originally Kate's idea, that she has had for months, but Zari is the one that acted on it.

I met Zayde in one of my classes years ago and we got close pretty quickly. Since Zari is Zayde's sister, I got introduced to her earlier on. I met Kate around the same time. Our small friend group evolved over those years, and we all had great times together. After we all graduated though, we don't see each other very much anymore.

Zari and Zayde decided that it would be a good idea to go to their family's cabin in the mountains for about two weeks or so. I already have everything picked out for the trip. I just need to pack it up.

I stood up and started packing my things. I quickly did it, considering I have to leave tonight to drive over there. It's not too far of a drive but I live a bit away from everyone so it's better if I drive by myself. I walk past my dad with my luggage. He doesn't even spare to look at me. I lock the door behind me and walk over to my car. I stuff my luggage into the trunk and ease my way into the front seat. The old sedan is barely hanging on by a limb, but I love it and I refuse to buy a new one.

The ride there is peaceful, looking around and watching the scenery. As I watch the road I can see how the city life fades away and everything becomes more natural and less urbanized.

As I arrive at the cabin I can barely make out the image of a car in the distance as I get closer it soon registers to me as Beau's car.


I thought he couldn't make it? Was the case called off?

As I walk over to him, he seems different. His posture is better than usual and he seems happy.

He notices me as I get out of my car, he starts walking towards me and pulls me into an embrace quickly. I begin to question him.

"I thought you weren't coming?" I say, confused, as I pull away.

"I got time off, and I wanted to surprise you. My coworker, Beck, insisted on taking up this case. I guess this is her way of proving herself to me."

"That was nice of her" I comment with an edge to my voice.

"Yeah, she was really looking forward to this case since she had mutual friends with the girl."

"Do you know if anyone else is here?" I look around for any traces of anyone else being here but it looks like it's just me and Beau.

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