Chapter 8

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(Sam POV)

After what happened with Jay we decided not to talk to him for a while. Everyone was still a bit shocked after what had happened, but we all knew it was rightfully deserved so didn't give it much thought. I see Zari coming down the stairs, she seems fine now, but I know it has to be hard for her.

"Hey guys, so I was thinking about maybe getting outside for a while. We have some ski equipment in the attic, I was thinking maybe we should all go skiing, what do you guys think?" She said as she walked over to all of us.

"That sounds fun!" Kate says excitingly.

"Yeah that's cool, I guess." Zayde says agreeingly. The rest of us shake our heads in agreement.

Obviously we all need a break from being in this cabin all day, the drama and fights keep worsening so it would be good for everyone to get out for a while, maybe ease the tension.

Beau, Zayde, and I go and grab the skiing equipment from the attic while everyone else starts to get ready. After grabbing everything Jason walks over to investigate what we're doing.

"Are those skis?" He asks, confused.

"Yeah, what else would they be? Tables?" I say sarcastically, handing them to Beau as I see him smirk at my comment.

"Well, where are you going?" He says.

"Probably the mountain that's not too far from here, you can come if you want" I say as I finish getting everything and closing the attic door. He gives me a nod and walks back to his room to get ready. Unsurprisingly, Christina was the last to come out of the room.

Everyone finishes and we all head to Zari's van since it can fit all of us as long as we don't need personal space.

Once we all arrived at the mountain everyone started unpacking from the van and a couple of us started splitting up. Christina and Dixie decide to sit in the snow and watch all the others, as they are not very proficient skiers. Kira, Zayde and Zari start trying to find a good place to start skiing from and Blake and Kate follow behind. Meanwhile Jason finds himself alone and isolated, trying not to bother anyone he goes off to do his own thing.

I've never been skiing before, I've always liked the snow but skiing always seemed hard to do so I never really tried. I am very confused about what to do. Beau comes from behind and gently grabs my hand. He leans closer near my ear.

"I know you've never been skiing before, do you want me to help you?" He says grinning at me.

"Yeah that might be good." I say smiling back.

We spend hours skiing together and enjoying the snow. Dixie did try skiing for a bit, Beau and I tried helping her but she ended up getting very confused and slipped so she went back talking to Christina. The surrounding area was beautiful, snow covering the pine trees and the mountains, and while it was cold we all seemed to forget after having a great time with each other.

I noticed Zari, I wasn't sure if I should go over and bring up what happened earlier or just leave it be. Things like this seem to be happening often now so it wasn't really surprising what occurred earlier. And of course, Jason was at the center of the problem, per usual. For now I just let things be, after all she probably got us to go out here to take her mind off of it.

Beau and I start walking around admiring the mountain. It was silent between us, but it was a comfortable silence. The kind where you just enjoy someone else's company. It may have been snowing, but I felt very warm next to him.

"You know, the snow really looks good around you. I wish we could stay like this forever, just you and me." He spoke quietly. "I would really love that. Although...We can make the most of it right now" I said with a smirk. He looked confused until I grabbed his arm and we both fell to the ground. We were both laughing and Beau landed on top of me. He smiled and I giggled. He leaned down and his lips landed on mine. He got off from on top of me and laid next to me. We watched the snow fall and just embellished each other's warmth. Time passed quickly as we just continued complimenting each other back and forth.

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