Chapter 13

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(Blake POV)

I woke up around eleven at night and felt thirsty. Kate was next to me so I made sure to try my best not to wake her up. Once I got up, I slowly opened the door and left the room. As I walked down the hallway, I heard someone getting water from the fridge. I peeked around the corner and saw it was Zayde.

Of course... The dude who has a crush on my girlfriend.

Zayde saw me and quickly turned away. "What's wrong, Zayde?" He turned back to face me. "Nothing. Why?" He nervously replied. "Really? Because you seem angry at me... Oh, I got it! Is it because your crush is my girlfriend?"

Oh how he tensed up. The way his jaw clenched and his face went pale. The way his eyebrows furrowed. His hands slipped.

He dropped his cup of water and turned around to face me. "How... How did you find out"

"Oh please, it is obvious. Actually it's pretty pathetic how she doesn't have a damn clue. You wrap your arm around her, going to her aid, desperately trying to get her attention..." With every example I gave I moved closer to him until I leaned closer to his ear. "It's all pathetic. She will never love you." I whispered. "At least, not in the same way she loves me." I grinned.

He shoved me away with a frustrated look. "Just...Just shut the fuck up! I get it! But she deserves WAY MORE THAN YOU!" That struck a fucking nerve. "Excuse me?" I replied.

"You treat her like shit and you are too possessive! You are terrible for her, and I would be better than yo-" Before he could finish, I pushed him, and he slipped on the water. He fell and I jumped on top of him and he tried squirming out from under me.

Before I could think of any possible solutions, I grabbed the towel hanging from the oven handle and began suffocating him. But it wasn't enough for me. He will pay for liking her, for toying with her, and making her doubt me. I shoved it down his throat so he couldn't make noise. He began struggling, but I held his arms back. His eyes watered and then began to dilate and his body went limp. I released his arms and got off the top of him.

"Now you won't even be able to breathe around her, let alone put your hands on her." I quickly realized I needed to do something with his body. Thankfully, since I suffocated him, there was no blood. He's pretty light so I picked up his body easily and took it to the garage. Nobody really comes in here, but in the rare case they did, I need a good hiding spot.

Then, my gaze fell upon the perfect place. In the far corner was a dark blue cooler with dust scattered across the top.

Big enough to fit him in and it wasn't being used. I opened it and shoved Zayde inside. I looked around for something heavy to put on top just in case anyone came looking. I put an extra tire and some other stuff I could find and set it on top. Hopefully, no one is that desperate to open this cooler. I walk back inside and clean up the mess. Luckily, the cup was plastic, so it didn't break in the fall.

Once I cleaned it all up, I walked back upstairs. I enter the room and plop down on the bed. Kate opens her eyes. "Where were you?" she inquires. "Oh I was just thirsty. Sorry for waking you love." She snuggled closer into my chest. "It's okay. Just wondering where you were." She fell back asleep quickly. People severely pissed me off today, but the sight of her calms me down. She is my everything. She is all I ever needed.

I may not have killed Jason, but I definitely killed someone else today.

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