Chapter 17

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Zari hasn't been out of her room since I came in. It's like everything unexpected was reality all along. How could I not see it all, I mean, I couldn't even imagine the thought in the first place I guess. I thought Blake could be capable of something as extreme as that, but Zari? It does connect though, she was mad at him, we all felt bad for her, it was the perfect cover up. All these years of the back and forth drama between them, and she finally broke. The knife, who else could've had one? It's not some coincidence she had it in her personal drawer. That she's been so unphased by what happened after Jason. All of it. It's been on my mind for hours just sorting it out in my head. I can't jump to conclusions but I really do believe I'm right.

I saw Dixie, Chris, and Kate sitting together at the dining room table. Beau was reading a book in a corner and I joined him. "I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I don't think it's Blake anymore." I said to him, he set down his book next to him and looked over at me slightly confused. "It's not?" he responded. "I walked in on Zari earlier, she was holding a knife in her hand." I explained. His expression changed instantly, like the clear realization had hit me from before, did the same to him. "Stab wounds..." he said quietly. I nodded slightly, even if I didn't explain my whole thought process he knew exactly what it all meant. "I know it's drastic,"I said, "but it just adds up." Beau's eyes stared out into space, taking it all in. "It does." he responded.

I noticed the others got up and headed back to their own rooms so we did the same. Once we got there Beau locked the door behind us and we rested in our bed till we fell asleep.

I woke up suddenly, this happened multiple times and I couldn't sleep without waking every hour or so. I felt like I had to do something, we had to find a way out of here. I got up and unlocked the door and silently made my way out and downstairs. It was dark and the only light was coming from the couple lanterns and the dying fire. But you could still see the moon shining through the windows. I walked over to it and peered out, the snow had melted significantly, it was lightly raining so I knew the temperatures had risen. I stepped over and tried the door, after tugging at it, the handle finally turned and the door cracked open. Finally, a way out, we could leave. I closed it carefully trying not to make any noise, as it shut it I heard a voice.

"It finally unlocked, did it?" I froze with my hand still on the handle. "I've been trying almost every night since the storm." I turned around slowly. "Unfortunately, Sam, I don't think you'll be leaving here anytime soon." Zari stood there across the room, we each stood still, the lantern's light almost lit a path for each other to be visible. She had the knife from before, clasped in her hand. "Of all the people," she paused for a moment, "I knew it would eventually be you, Sam. One way or another, you would be the one to figure it out."

"You've changed." I said in a lower tone. She slightly smiled and looked to the side. "I guess you could say that. Or, maybe just taking advantage of opportunities." She made eye contact with me once again. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Sam, but I can't take any chances." She was walking towards me more and I couldn't go anywhere. I couldn't run out the door and leave everyone else. "Yeah well fuck, you think i'm just going to let you kill me?" I laugh lightly trying to back away. "Of course not Sam, but Jason thought the same thing."
She lunged the knife towards my neck but I caught her arm and pushed her away. She came back at me again and once again I grabbed her arm trying to push the blade away, I used my other arm to punch her and she stumbled back, the knife flew out of her hand. We fought back and forth, struggling to get away and Zari trying to strangle me at the same time. She had gotten a hold of me and threw me into the wall next to the door. I felt my head slam against the wall and the stinging pain in my back. I tried my best to punch her again, I hit her directly across her cheek, she fell to the side and I slid down the wall to the floor, doing my best to get away, coughing and trying to regain my breath. Zari noticed the paper bag with the glass still in it, I glanced over and she reached into the bag as she pulled out a shard. I wasn't too far from her, she reached me and was aiming for my neck again, I held her wrists and she was pushing for the shard closer and closer. Blood started dripping from her hands as the sides were cutting up her palms. It was inches away from breaking my skin, I felt like I was actually going to die.

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