Chapter 7

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(Jason's POV)

She didn't understand. She couldn't have read those messages, right? I mean, I was joking... kinda. Emily was available when Zari wasn't... I just said 'I love you" to keep her around. I don't feel for her like I do with Zari...

I should probably check in on her. Everyone was still staring, some with anger and some with confusion. It was irritating. I head up the stairs and walk to the door. I can hear sniffles and sobs from behind. I feel a sharp pain in my heart...

I knock calmly on the door. "Zari...Will you open the door?" A few moments of silence and then the door opened. Her eyes were puffy and her sleeves were wet. She stood there with her arms crossed, waiting for me to continue. "Zari, I swear it is a misunderstanding. I was just joking with h-"

"You mean flirting? You mean cheating on me? Go to hell, asshole." She slammed the door in my face and locked it. I dropped my hands to the side and gave up. Emily wouldn't be this difficult. I head back downstairs and lock eyes with Blake. He is sure to be on my side, right?

I walk over to him and drag him by the wrist to the foot of the stairs. I tell him what just happened, but instead of the reaction I was hoping for...

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He raised his voice and now everyone was tuning in. "I mean seriously what the hell?"

"I told you I was just joking around!" I yell back at him.

"No, you fucking cheated on her!" That caught everyone. Sam and Kate got up and walked towards me and him.

"I would never do that to Kate, ever! You know why? Because when I say I love her, I actually mean it!" I was expecting Kate to try and calm him down but she was just standing there, waiting for something.Then I felt a stinging in the left side of my face.
Blake had punched me...

Now Kate decided to step in. Instead of aiding me, she went over to Blake asking if his hand was okay. She walked him to the freezer and handed him an ice pack. I was still holding my face in shock. I pull it away and walk up the stairs angrily.

I can feel everyone's hateful glares as I ascend the stairwell. I went to the bathroom since my room was taken by Zari and took care of the wound. Blake did pretty good damage I must say. Blood dripped into the sink while I bandaged it up. It was only noon and shit was already happening. Never a dull moment...

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