Chapter 5

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(Zayde POV)

I hear Kate downstairs laughing and talking with the group. I have always had a small crush on her but when she began dating Blake it hurt me. What is so special about her jealous, over-obsessive boyfriend? I mean, seriously, I could be so much better than he is.

"Morning Kate." I say to her with a smile.

"Good morning Zayde! Oh you too Blake!" She replied. I turned my head around and Blake was standing right behind, he appeared out of nowhere. He looked irritated, glaring down at me. I'm not the kind of person that lets other people push me around. After the fights I had with Jason, though, I'm not trying to start something again, so I just glared at him back.

He must be upset about the walk I went on with Kate, even though I know she was trying to fix things. I didn't think it was such a big deal as he made it, we were just taking a short walk around the lake. Kate made me come to my senses more, it was actually fairly nice to just get away and talk with her. Maybe he knew that, or maybe he just doesn't care to realize. Anyone who goes near Kate, he considers a threat. What I saw yesterday worried me, obviously I'd never want to ruin their relationship, I just want her to be happy, but she deserves better.

Eventually Blake breaks eye contact and goes to go sit near Kate at the kitchen island. Kate didn't notice him glaring, still happily greeting everyone and making breakfast. I looked away, still trying to keep things positive.

"Would you like something to eat, Zayde?" She said smiling.

"Oh sure, thank you." I said, smiling back.

Blake started moving around, uncomfortable and anxious, but keeping his head down, eating his breakfast. Kate handed me a plate with food, I grabbed it and sat down at the kitchen island she was cooking at and Blake was sitting near next to her.

"This food is amazing, Kate! You're a really good cook." I said as I finished it quickly.

"Thank you!" She said excitedly.

I went to get up to put my plate in the sink, unfortunately where Kate was standing. I had to reach around her so I wouldn't bump into her, but before I could set it down Blake grabs my arm and stands up, towering over me.

"Let go! What are you doing?!" I say, trying to pull my arm away.

"I saw what you were doing, don't act stupid!" He said, making his voice deeper.

"I was just putting my plate in the sink! Is that a problem for you!?" I say now shouting at him.

"Blake stop! Leave him alone, he was just trying to clean up his plate!" Kate says in a concerned voice. It's something he does each day that always makes her upset, turning her good mood into things like this, constantly. Blake sees Kate and hesitates for a moment before releasing my arm and throwing it back to me. The plate clatters into the sink, surprisingly not breaking.

Blake backs up and begins to hold Kate's hands in his attempt to reassure her. As usual, she just brushed it off and smiled. Her smile is what originally lured me into the crush. She was in my freshman year of highschool biology class. I observed her from afar, not in a creepy way, and her smile was so bright. Eventually I found myself being the one to make her smile. But then someone else began to make her smile even more, Blake. The way she talked about him, the way the mere thought of him made her flush and giggle, the way I knew I didn't have a chance. It all hurt more than one could describe.

I walked back to the counter and drank the rest of the orange juice in the cup Kate gave me. Blake continues to glare at me, but I just walk over to the couch and hang out with Zari and Kira. They were in a heated argument about what we should do tonight.

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