Chapter 11

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(Beau POV)

(Day six)

It was the next morning and breakfast was silent. Too silent. No one was up when I was so I made breakfast. Something simple, but healthy. But after a while the others started waking up and eating. How are we supposed to continue knowing our friend just died? And it's not like we can just go home either because we are snowed in...

Kira was the first to break the silence. "I get that Jason tragically died, but do we really have to act depressed the rest of the time here? Cause I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay like this..."

I saw Sam glance over and give her a look, then put her head back down. I knew exactly what she was thinking. She's right though, one of her best friends died just yesterday and all of us are supposed to be fine the next? I see Sam is upset, I feel like I need to do something about it. I start thinking about what the news said, he got stabbed? I'm not sure if we were the only ones there. That must mean one of us had done it...

It may just be because I'm a detective, but I also want to bring him to justice so I decide to figure out what really happened out there. I signal Sam to come talk to me in the other room.

"It was one of them." She said immediately. "I know it was, how could he just mysteriously get 9 stab wounds out of nowhere, it's not like a fucking squirrel did it."

"I know, I'm trying to figure it out, but I just can't. You would never, I know that for sure. I don't want to point fingers but like..." I pause for a moment. "Blake? Zayde? I don't know, they seemed to have a problem with him for years. This might have been the perfect opportunity to just get rid of him."

"Yeah exactly, that's what I was thinking. But you're right we shouldn't jump to conclusions, everyone is technically a suspect..." She says to me, and then checks behind her in paranoia.

"Should we... You know... Question people, subtly?" I nodded and she stayed back while I walked to the first suspect, Blake. He was in the dining room looking out the window. The wind was picking up so there was nothing to see but snow.

"Hey, you alright?" I say awaiting his answer his eyes drifted away from the snow.

"Yeah, just peachy." He leaned against the table. "Who do you think did it?" he said.

I was caught off guard. I didn't expect him to be interested in who killed Jason, since all he cares about is Kate. "Excuse me?" I tried to sound nonchalant but he saw right through me.

"I mean Beau, I wouldn't be surprised if you and Sam were trying to figure out who killed Jason." He turned to face me. "Everyone in this house currently were the only people at the ski lodge so it has to be one of us, yeah?" He leaned in with every word like he was trying to intimidate me. "And let's not forget that you're a detective, isn't that right?" He said, staring into my eyes then looking away swiftly after a couple seconds. "You know what I've been thinking about, Beau. It's strange how you and Sam just, disappeared? For what, hours? And mysteriously Jason goes missing." He gets up to face me, I slowly back up and now a few people are starting to notice. "What are you thinking? I did it?" He said lowering his voice.

"I wasn't saying that Blake." I said, raising my hands in front of me. "I'm not blaming you either." I realize now that he doesn't care about Jason's death. All he's trying to do is deflect the blame off of him.

"You know they're all thinking it." He says as he looks around at everyone slowly before locking eye contact with me again. "And I know you are too."

Sam comes out of the room we were talking in and notices what's happening. Blake looks at her but doesn't say anything. "What are you doing?" she asks him.

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