Chapter 3

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(Day 3)
(Kate POV)

I woke up to Blake poking my cheek. I look over and he looks back at me. I scooch in closer and he entangles me in his arms.

"I want you to be mine forever, Kate. I will hurt anyone who thinks they can lay a hand on you."

I find that weird but my face is buried into his chest, meaning I can't say anything. I didn't mind though. I have never felt this loved by anyone. And to know that he is so smitten by me is the best feeling ever. He pulled me closer to the point where I could hear his heartbeat, which was racing.

"You are the only one for me. I can't imagine living without you. You are all I am here for." A silence rang out as he fell back asleep.

We eventually got up and made our way out to the living room area. I was expecting to see everyone but there wasn't a single person up. I walked into the kitchen to see drinks and bottles all over the place. Blake told me he would start to clean up. I went to Dixie and Christina's room since it is the only one downstairs. I knock and walk in to see them completely passed out. Assuming everyone else was the same, I helped Blake clean. Once we finished, he and I began making breakfast for everyone. He started up the coffee maker to help with hangovers and I cooked up omelets.

The first one to wake up was Dixie. She thanked us and silently began to eat. Next was Zari. She looked half-dead. She thanked us as well and grabbed the food as well as pouring herself some coffee. Almost everyone eventually made their way out to the kitchen from their rooms and began eating. Kira came down after a few minutes looking refreshed. She sat down across from Dixie and I made her a plate while she poured herself some orange juice.

All of a sudden we heard thudding coming down the stairs. We all looked over and saw Jason rolling down the steps like a tree log falling down a hill. He was quickly speeding down the stairs. We all stare in shock, stopping everything we were doing. At the bottom of the steps he continued rolling a bit further across the ground before coming to a complete stop. We all just looked at him confused. He landed on his back and looked at the ceiling not moving an inch.

"How the hell did you fall down the stairs?" Sam looked at him condescendingly, while also trying not to burst out laughing.

Jason just looked at her and sighed as everyone else still was just awkwardly standing around. "I slipped." He mumbled.

"Bro on what? The fucking floorboards?" She derided him. Jason struggled to get up but eventually he did as he limped away into the other room. He seemed fine and did not care too much. Everyone continued what they were doing and you could see Kate and Christina trying to hold their laughter as they whispered to each other.

Another peaceful morning...Sort of...

Kira then spoke up, "Guys...Um...It says there is a snow storm a couple states away..." she says worryingly. Dixie peered over her phone.
"It's in Washington that's 4 states from us we will be fine. Plus the pattern looks like it's heading for Canada." Dixie walked away. Kira understood, then continued eating.
"And if it gets too close we can leave" Blake calls over his shoulder as he heads out the door to take out the trash.

"Good morning." Zayde says as he walks down the stairs. A few glance at him but don't give him much attention. At this point everyone is awake and downstairs. Trying to redeem himself, he cleans up breakfast.

Jason came back from the other room, barely limping anymore, "Can I help with anything?" He says picking up a couple plates.

"No, I'm fine, thanks." Zayde responds.

"You sure? It would be no problem." Jason says, trying to be helpful. "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Well, you did, there's no going back on that." Zayde says as he starts washing the dishes more vigorously.

"I know, I really am sorry." Jason answers back, proceeding to put the plate down and walks away as he notices he's upsetting Zayde again.

I get up and walk over to Zayde, still upset. "Hey Zayde, what if we go on a walk for a little bit?" I say with a smile. He hesitates for a second.

"Okay, yeah, that sounds good." He says as he finishes washing the dishes, in a rush.

We grab our coats and start to walk out the door, "We'll be back soon, we're just taking a walk!" I shut the door behind me and we started walking towards the lake.

After talking to Zayde and calming him down he agrees he would be nicer to Jason the best he could. After about a half an hour of walking around the lake we decided to go back to the cabin as it was getting colder. I hung up my coat and went to greet Blake who was quietly reading a book on the couch.

"What are you reading?" I say sitting down next to him.

"Nothing, just some stupid novel." He responds. Then immediately getting up and tossing the book on the coffee table.

"Where are you going?" I ask, very confused.

"Why are you bombarding me with so many questions?! I bet you had enough time to ask enough questions on your walk with Zayde, right?" He says condescendingly, throwing his hands in the air.

Before I can say anything he storms off up to our room and slams the door.

I look over at Zayde who is standing by the counter awkwardly, giving me a stunned look. Then I notice Dixie in the corner observing the painting hung on the wall.

"Wait...what happened?" She says puzzled.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I answer.

She goes back to looking at the painting, confused as ever and but no thought to care more. Zayde gets himself a drink and walks to his room. I'm left alone, sitting on the couch, still processing what happened.

After giving him a few minutes to calm down, I began walking upstairs to talk with him. Once I arrived at the door, I walked into something. The door. Blake had opened the door and hit me.

"Shit! Sorry Kate." He leaned down to make sure I was okay. He brought me into the room and we talked about the situation.

"It's just I want you all to myself. I can't stand other people near you, especially him. You could push me as far as you could but I will always be with you, I can promise you that."

The statement felt...strange, but that's just how he shows his love. We eventually relaxed on the bed , watching TV. Every 20 minutes, Blake would apologize once more.

It is now around six and I walk back downstairs when I hear music and laughing coming from the living room. Sam and Beau are sitting by the fireplace, Zari is grabbing drinks and talking to Jason and Kira, Dixie is sitting quietly in the corner reading a book, and Christina and Zayde are trying to figure out what to make for dinner. Blake was still in the room, napping.

"Hey Kate!" Zari greets handing me a drink. I responded with a smile and graciously accepted her offer.

I go sit by the fire and start talking to Sam and Beau. Beau, strumming a guitar next to her quietly as she watches, memorized. The fire is keeping the room warm and the music is calm.

"Guys, look!" Christina yells out and points to the window. A wide smile from eye to eye covers her face.

Our heads all shift to the window. We see snow, slowly falling outside, pure white, covering the trees and ground like a cold blanket falling from the cold dark sky. It was incredible, we all watched in awe. We all walked outside to see it and everyone started catching snow in their hands. Everyone was automatically in high spirits.

Blake also comes out and walks next to me. I was so busy catching snow in my hand and smiling at the sky that I didn't even realize he was staring at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I question. "Nothing much. Just you look super cute. Your beauty outshines the rest." He chuckled. I flushed. "Cheesy." He has a way with me. Simple little things turn into big moments. It is as if time stands still with him.

He leaned down for a kiss and I returned it. His lips felt as if they were made for mine. I then bent down, as he turned his head in confusion. I grab some snow and throw it at him before he can react. The snow fell off his face, revealing a wicked grin. He bends down and I run. We all, as a group, played in the snow for a few hours. Perfect ending for the night.

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