Chapter 12

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(Kate POV)

We are just staring at each other. I already patched him up but he is just staring at me, as if he is waiting for something.

"So... Are you gonna yell?" He says to me.

Oh, that's right. "I am just curious what happened down there. That's it." He began explaining how Beau randomly went up to him, accusing him of killing Jason and how he was just in self-defense mode. I believed him. After all, he would never lie to me. Although, it is hard to believe it was unwarranted. Actually, it makes me feel safe because he's so protective of me. I know he'd do anything to keep me safe, no matter what. Regardless if he can get a little unhinged and overactive sometimes, I know it's worth it. He just cares about his own special way.

"Oh ok then." I leaned in to hug him, but he took the initiative of something else. He pulled me into a kiss and began running his hands through my hair. I giggled and pulled away. He pouted.

"Kate, come back." He said in a whiny voice. He wrapped his arms around my waist, but I stood my ground. I laid my finger on his lips and smiled. "And why should I?" I teased. He usually teases me, so it is only fair that I get to as well. He smiled at me. His smile does so much for me. He knows what he's doing.

"Because I want you Kate... I need you. I love you, and I want to show you how much I do." He said, reaching his arm out to me.

I smiled and felt my heart start beating a bit quicker.

He began laughing. "Wow! Is it that easy to make you red?" Oh he definitely knows what he is doing. "I just you will have to show me in full then." He grinned and leaned closer to my ear.

"Oh I will." And then he pulled me back onto the bed.

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