Chapter 16

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Everyone is still silent and in shock. Beau decided to close off the room so it would give her some peace, or at least, as much as she could get. With the window being open and the crack from under the door, it was increasingly getting cooler. Everyone was snuggled up and covered in blankets. I was up against Sam.

Kate walked over, shivering and brought everyone coffee and hot chocolate. She snuggled in next to Blake and it was silent again, until Christina snapped.

"Okay, Which one of you ASSHOLES is killing everyone?! Like why are we just sitting here, waiting to be killed?! Does it not bother you?" She was on the verge of tears. She stepped towards Blake and smacked him across the face. She backed up and began again.

"You're doing this aren't you?! Why? Kira NEVER did anything to-" Before she could finish Kate got up and stopped her. "Blake wouldn't kill someone for my sake... he's not like that!"

In an instant, a loud slap could be heard. Kate was holding her face and Christina was getting even more heated. Beau got up and grabbed Christina in some sort of hugging motion to calm her down.

"There's nothing we can do right now Christina. We are snowed in and the storm hasn't dissolved yet. We have no choice." Beau calmly stated. "YES THERE IS! ISOLATE THE KILLER!" She sobbed out.

Kate decided it would be best to bring Blake upstairs with her to help dilute the situation. After about five minutes, her sniffles had stopped. Christina is full of fear, so, not only did she doubt Blake, she started doubting everyone.

"Get OFF of me!" She threw Beau's arms off of her and she quickly got up. "Who says there is not more than one killer?" That immediately put a horrible thought in everyone's mind. Another killer?

Christina got up and stormed off.

That's... not entirely impossible. "How about this, I will keep an eye on Kate and Blake tonight to see if we have proof?" Beau suggested. Everyone nodded and headed to their separate rooms.

The bedrooms are fairly comfortable and have a warm feeling, However, since the first incident, the rooms have become cold and lonely. I go to my closet and pick out a more comfortable sweatshirt. It is a fuzzy, black hoodie, with white trim. I reached for the hanger and my sleeve got caught on the door handle. I struggled and pulled my arm back, bad decision. My sleeve ripped and I stumbled back into my nightstand, the vase that rested on it tumbled and shattered on the ground. Before I could realize what was happening, blood dripped down from my hand with a clear cut slashed down my palm. I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Kate burst through the door with Sam rushing in behind.

"Zari! What happened?!" Kate stood frozen in shock staring at my hand.

"I'm okay, I just fell into my nightstand." I replied calmly.

"Are you sure? I mean your hand is bleeding, Zari." Sam gestured to the blood on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm okay guys, it was just an accident." I tried to reassure them.

Next thing you know Beau rushed in to investigate. "What happened?" he looked at Sam.

"She just accidentally fell, I'm going to help her with her hand, would you mind cleaning up the glass?" Sam asked him. She carefully walked over to me, tracking through the broken glass scattered around the dark wooden floorboards. Eventually grabbing my arm to guide me through it as she did.

"Yeah of course." Beau walked out of the room to find a dustpan and broom and Kate followed behind him.

Sam and I headed to the bathroom, I was holding my hand trying to keep the blood from dripping everywhere. The pain was sharp and I was afraid glass had gotten into the wound. Sam sat me down and began tending to it with a cloth that was hung upon the hanger.

"It's better if we run water over it so it doesn't get infected." She said while turning on the tap. "I'm surprised the pipes haven't frozen yet, but I'm just happy they didn't. Everything seems to be going wrong now, it's not like we need anything else to deal with." She took my hand and hovered it under the water, wincing from pain but the blood slowly disappeared down the drain. She then put pressure on my hand after. I stayed mostly silent the entire time. "It doesn't seem too bad, just a deep cut, you might have some scarring though. I don't see any glass which is good." Sam observed my hand carefully trying not to cause anymore pain.

"As long as there's no glass I'll be fine." I told her.

"You're right, I'll try and find some gauze to wrap your hand in, keep the pressure on it." She grabbed my other hand and placed it on top of the cloth, then went searching through the cabinets. Sam turned back to me, removing the cloth, it was soaked in red but the bleeding stopped for the most part. She helped bandage up my hand. "I'm sorry this is all happening, it must be really hard for you." Sam said quietly. She's never been much of an emotional kind of person, always keeping to herself but you could see the anxiety was really getting to her. "Don't worry about it, it'll all end up being alright Sam." I spoke in a calming voice. "Yeah I know." She said with a sigh. "You're all good now, I'll replace the bandages when it's time, of course if you want me to."

"Thank you Sam." I looked up at her. She nodded and walked out of the door. Blood on my hands doesn't bother me. It's just a cut, only minor damage anyway. No harm really done.

I walked downstairs and saw the remaining pieces of glass sitting in a brown paper bag near the front door. Outside the window it was still cold and the frost surrounded the glass panes. But it looked like the snow stopped.

"Hey Zari, your room should be glass free now, I tried getting it all." Beau said walking down the stairs.

"Glass?" Blake turned his head, he was sitting on the couch messing with a flashlight, although it was day and the bright light was shining through the windows. "What glass?" His face was confused but not concerned.

"A vase fell in Zari's room." Beau replied. Blake didn't speak again, just seemed confused but sat back without any other care. I could see Beau give a judgeful look at him for his lack of concern.

"Thanks Beau, and I'm okay it wasn't that bad." I responded to him. I ended up getting my hoodie from my room, this time without any more blood on my hands. I layed down in the middle of my bed and stared at the ceiling. It was cold but I really didn't seem to mind, I felt numb, in a way. I remembered that day with Jason, I shouldn't have let it get to me like that. I turned and sat up, opening my bed stand drawer looking at the numerous objects scattered in it. I picked up a book but before I looked away I noticed my pocket knife. I set down the book and examined the knife instead. The worn, rough edges of the knife's handle, the carefully engraved lines in it. I flipped it open and examined the blade, the dark dried crust slightly spotted on it. I slowly turned it and looked at each side. I heard my door creak open, Sam entered unexpectedly.

"I just wanted to let you know that we cooked-" she paused as she saw what was in my hand. I quickly folded it back up and placed it in my drawer. It was silent, between us, her face had a dim expression. She held her stare at my direction. "What was that?" she questioned me.

"Just an old pocket knife I guess, it must belong to one of my family members or something." I tried to explain. She just looked at me for a moment, still standing where she had paused. She looked skeptic at me. "I don't know, I just found it there, I was about to read my book." I held it up and chuckled lightly.

She gave me a blank smile and finally continued what she was saying. "There's food downstairs if you want some. Enjoy your book." She walked out of the room and shut the door behind her carefully. I put the book back and shut the drawer. Another mistake, but it won't happen again.

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