Chapter 4

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(Day four)

I couldn't sleep last night but I was still exhausted, now even more so. I ended up laying in bed until noon taking a nap. When I woke up, Blake was gone. I groggily got out of bed and walked into the attached bathroom. I took one glance in the mirror and freshened up. I got into the shower and about 20 minutes in I heard Zari calling my name. I finished up and wrapped a towel around myself to go see what she needed.

"Zari? What is it?" I continue walking down the hallway and she looks excited.

"We should pull a prank..."She began. "I say, we put her phone on the six foot shelf in the laundry room while she is still sleeping..." Zari says, trying to convince me, while pointing at Sam.

Sam was a bit shorter than me but even Zari has to step on the tips of her toes to reach that shelf. "But couldn't she just use like a step stool or something?" I say.

"I have already thought about that. Go check my closet."

I cautiously walked up to her closet. As I opened the door, I found multiple step stools, chairs, and anything that could be used to give her more height. Zari got up to close the closet before anything could fall out. "Okay, I guess I will go get her phone after I get dressed." I replied. After I got ready I exited my room and began to walk down the hall towards her room. I carefully opened her and Beau's room as quietly as I could. I peered in and saw that they were still peacefully sleeping. I opened the door just a bit more so I could squeeze in the walkway.

I cautiously made my way around the bed to the bedside table and unplugged her phone from the charger. I looked back over to the bed and they were still asleep. Beau had moved a little closer to Sam. I had no reason to intrude anymore so I left and shut the door behind me.

Zari met back up with me and we headed into the laundry room where the tallest shelf was. Since Zari was taller I handed the phone to her. She switched the phone on silent and put the phone on the shelf.

"Okay I am gonna start breakfast." I sighed while walking down the stairs. Dixie was apparently already up hence she was sitting on the couch reading the book Blake was reading yesterday.

"Good morning Dixie!" I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. Dixie and I have known each other for a few years longer than everyone else. She has always been closed off and reserved. "What would you like for breakfast, ma'dam?"

She pondered for a moment and briefly said: "Whatever you make is fine. Preferably something with bacon."

"Got it! I will make bacon and egg omelets with french toast ." I happily skipped off and began setting up.

I see Sam walking downstairs with Beau, she looked confused and kept looking around places. "Do any of you know where the hell my phone went?" She said checking behind the pillows with a confused expression. Zari started laughing quietly to herself.

"No, sorry Sam." I said, hiding my smile.

"It's good, I thought I put it on the charger but I guess I left it somewhere." She said checking around the countertops.

She walked back upstairs to go check around. The ones who were up and awake were just relaxing and eating breakfast. About ten minutes later we hear something from upstairs. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." I hear Sam shouting. Zari and I started to burst out laughing, Beau looked at us both.

"What did you guys do now?" He said, sighing. We just continued laughing as Beau walked up to go help Sam retrieve her phone. The rest of breakfast went by pretty quickly with loads of fun and witty banter between everyone.

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