Chapter 15

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Once Kira ran off, everyone shifted their attention to Blake, except Kate of course. "What the hell, why are you all looking at me like that." He got defensive. "Yeah guys...C'mon he wouldn-" "Kate just shut the fuck up!" Zari screamed. "Seriously how bad does the boy have you controlled? He is so fucking guilty but you have no idea because he is manipulative as fuck!" Kate started tearing up. She got up and ran to the bathroom. Blake then screamed back. "What the fuck is wrong with all of you! She did nothing wrong and neither have I!"

He followed her, but she locked the door behind her. He then stormed into his room. I feel sorry for her but her boyfriend just killed two of our friends... so actually I don't.

I decided to go check on Kate. I politely knocked on the door. "Kate? It's me" It was silent for a second. "Sam?" She was sniffling while she unlocked the door. I walked in and shut the door behind me. She sat back down on the floor, holding her legs in front of her chest. I sat next to her and began rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Is he really that bad?" She sobbed out. "I think he is Kate, but why are you still with him?" She then sighed. She leaned her head on my shoulder and before I knew it, she had cried herself to sleep. So I sat there, comforting her while she slept.

After getting Kate to bed I came back downstairs. Zari sat back down after her blow up and sighed. "Zari? What was that?" I ask. "Shit! I went too far." She got up and walked to the bathroom as well.

"I mean are we sure Blake did it? Kill Jason and Zayde I mean." Christina began. "I mean we don't have much evidence and if we are basing it off of feelings towards Jason, everyone had motives at that point."

Kira is noticeably uncomfortable. "True, but we still can't rule him out." She said. Beau nodded in agreement. "It could really be any of us..." Christina added.

"Does anyone want drinks?" I asked, trying to relieve the tension.

"Now's not the time, Sam." Kira said, pissed off.

Beau glanced at me, "I'll take one Sam." He said with a slight smile. I nodded and I grabbed something from the fridge. He thanked me and we all continued talking. Although, Kira only spoke when she had to.

A little later, about five PM, Kate came back down with Dixie and Zari. She looked happier. Everyone apologized except Kira. A few minutes later, Blake came out and hugged Kate. She apologized and he did as well. For the most part, things weren't as bad as they were. After we all talked we weren't so sure Blake did kill Jason and Zayde, he could have but we decided to be reasonable and not jump to conclusions. Well, all of us except Kira. She seemed more upset than anyone. She was still being standoff-ish and rude to everyone. It was getting irritating at times, but then again, understandable.

Kira eventually got up and walked to her room. We all thought it was best to give her time. I do think it is weird many people were in high spirits, but not much else we can do. We all might even die here. So might as well spend our last moments happy...With the killer....

The conversations were small and tense.

We had just finished dinner and a lot of people didn't even bother coming down stairs. Blake came down and made plates for him and Kate. I don't know why she is still with him. Everyone has given her more than enough reasons to think he is the killer. I feel like everyone is brushing off the fact that Blake most definitely killed Jason and Zayde is currently missing.

I see the snow still piling up on the windows, the wind is blowing fast and I can hear it rattling the trees. Their branches scratch the windows, the sky's pitch black like the dark depths of the ocean. Nothing is visible besides the tall oak tree outside the window, being lit by the small, dim porch light glowing in the harsh weather. I was cleaning up the plates and dishes I used when all of a sudden the lights started flickering rapidly. We all looked around at each other, then the lights cut out completely. It was dark, my eyes just began adjusting to the darkness but it was still hard to see the silhouettes of everyone. The only light was the out dying fire in the fireplace, a small flame still fighting but eventually burnt out.

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