Chapter 2

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(Day 2)
(Sam pov)

The smell of maple syrup hits me hard. As I regain consciousness, I wake up Beau and he pulls me back down next to him with a huge smile.

"Just a bit longer, please" He snuggled up against me. I began to hear his breaths even out and he relaxed in my arms. I don't have it in me to wake him up again, his head crooked into my neck and his arms entangling around my waist. A few minutes later, maybe thirty, his eyes opened when he smelled food. I encourage him to get up and he eventually does. Hugging around my waist, we walk into the kitchen and see Kate baking pancakes. She seems to be the only other one up. It is super kind of her to make breakfast for everyone.

"Goodmorning, you two. This place is amazing! So much baking materials."

"Well those pancakes smell absolutely amazing. Can we have some now?" Beau questioned with a grin. "Of course!" She placed two pancakes on both plates and served it to us. She set the bottle of syrup in front of us and Beau began to eat. The sound of footsteps came from the stairs. It became apparent that it was Blake. He walked over to Kate and wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck and started planting kisses on her. He began whispering in her ear. Kate turned a bit red and laughed. He smiled and he began feeling her up. Kate told him to stop in front of others. He did and walked over to a seat with a plate. He seemed upset but respected her.

Everyone made their way to the kitchen and began to eat. Jason looked especially happy for food. He quickly ate and began talking to Zari. She barely was done with the first pancake.

Dixie told Kate and Blake to go drive into the town for drinks and some essentials. It was relatively far away, nearly a half an hour trip but it was the closest one to the cabin. I turned my attention to them and walked them out. I returned inside after they drove off and all of a sudden, the piercing sound of glass shattering rang out. I ran to the sound and saw Zayde screaming at Jason.

"You really thought that was funny, really? You are so fucking disrespectful! I don't even know how you have a girlfriend with your sexist comments all the time!"

Jason looked defensive and began stuttering on his words.

Zari looked visibly upset. Dixie tried calming down Zayde but was also angry at Jason. Dixie ended up taking Zayde to another room to relax and settle down. Beau filled me in on the incident. Apparently Jason told Zari that he envisions a future with her where he works and she is a housewife. Zayde stood up for her but he thought he did nothing wrong.

He threw a vase at him, which was the shattering sound. It cut his cheek and it was bleeding pretty bad. Kira broke it up and separated them. Beau took Jason upstairs to tend to his wound. While I began to text Kate.

"Jason got into another fight. Please pick up more first aid supplies."

Kate read it but didn't respond.

After a while everyone was off doing their own thing. I was in the kitchen and looked into the fridge and grabbed the small container of blueberries off its shelf. Shuffling through the various drawers and cupboards in an endless maze of worn appliances, I finally found the colander I was looking for. I noticed Beau walk out from another room and pulled out a chair from the Island to join me. After I rinsed the blueberries I set them in a small cloth on the counter.

"There's so many cabinets in here, I can barely find anything." I turned to him and leaned on the counter. "But I found blueberries" I smiled and he returned it as well. "I love blueberries." he smiled elatedly. He then shuffled around and went to the cabinet to grab a bowl. He placed it next to me while I placed the blueberries in it after drying them up.

He then stood right behind me and hugged me, eating the blueberries together. It was a comfortable silence between us, a lot calmer than what happened earlier. It was peaceful, quiet, just enjoying each other's company. The comfort of Beau's arms around me, just being together, it was perfect.

Around seven, Jason and Zari went for a walk with Zayde to apologize. Kate and Blake are back and Christina is cooking, Kira is starting up activities, and Dixie is cleaning up.

"Hey Sam. Can you come here for a minute?" My head perked up and I followed the voice. It was Kate.

"Can I call it a night? I am exhausted." She said it with a smile. "Of course! But shouldn't you eat first?" I said confused.

"No, I'm not hungry. But thank you. Can you tell Zari when she gets back?"

I nodded and walked out. Christina finished cooking and the other three have arrived back. I told Zari and she was fine with it. Blake went back to the room after he received a text. I assume it was from Kate but I won't ask. Everyone ate and we went outside to a campfire. The fight earlier seemed to be resolved, which is good. But I would be pissed too if I were Zayde.

Everyone was talking and watching the fire. It was brisk and the wind calmly breezed through the air. I rested my head against Beau's shoulder and watched the embers from the fire slowly drift up and disappear into the sky. He glanced down at me and smiled. I felt warm.

For hours we shared stories and partied. We had loud music, drinking games and catching up.

While everyone was talking, Zayde was glaring at Jason, seeming to instigate again. Jason didn't notice and was explaining fencing techniques even though none of us have any interest in fencing by any means. Eventually, Jason noticed Zayde and started questioning him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jason said in an aggressive tone.

"What do you mean? I was just looking around, what's your problem?" Zayde snapped back.

At this point everyone was visibly uncomfortable and started looking around at each other awkwardly. Jason upsettingly stormed off, not trying to start another argument. Zari gets up and goes to talk to Jason. "I'll be back in a couple minutes." She says as she walks back into the cabin. Still, nobody has said a thing, but we all drift our focus onto Zayde. He appeared offended and mad.

"What? He obviously deserved that! He should not-" He gets cut off by Christina.

"Maybe it's better if we all just go to bed..." She says in a softer voice.

We all nodded in agreement and headed back inside without saying a word went into our rooms.

"I hope it won't be like this the whole time, I know they haven't always gotten along but Zayde always finds a way to start something with him." I say to Beau.

"I know, I feel like this happens way too often whenever we're all together like this. I don't agree with what Jason said earlier, but I don't think that means he can throw a vase at him." He said, looking concerned, fidgeting with the can tab necklace around his neck. "He's lucky he only got the cut on his face, it could have been a lot worse."

"You're right, but I guess for now maybe we should just avoid any more conflict so it doesn't ruin the rest of the time we have here." I said.

"I completely agree." Beau responds.

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