Chapter 14

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(Kira POV)

(Day seven)

My alarm on my phone was the first thing I heard today. I get out of bed and walk out into the hallway. Of course as soon as I round the corner, I see Blake and Kate kissing. I don't care if Blake is a murderer right now, just get the fuck out of my face with this stupid couple shit. Like I get it, I'm lonely. I scoff and walk past them. They quickly stopped and Kate apologized. And when I enter the kitchen, Sam and Beau are cooking together.

I am this close...

I have always been unlucky in love. I mean the dude I love is my best friend who is in love with someone else. And that someone else is taken. I constantly hear about his complaining when he doesn't even realize that I love him. This made me progressively jealous of Kate.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. Everyone came down and the spirit was a bit higher, even though we are stuck with Blake, a killer. Nobody seemed to do anything about it either.

Everyone ate and the happiest of them all seemed to be Kate. She was smiling and laughing, but something was wrong. Zayde isn't here..

"Hey guys, where is Zayde?" They all shrugged, assuming he was still sleeping. I went upstairs, but he wasn't in his room. I instantly remember this is how Sam went to go find Jason, and he ended up being dead. Fear hits me, I quickly start running through all the rooms trying to find him, but he isn't here. I ran back downstairs, everyone looking at me. I search the rest of the rooms and he's nowhere to be found. I re-enter the kitchen, unsure of what else I can do. "He isn't here..." I say to them. Immediately I see the fear in their eyes, the immediate worry fills them as if they got flashbacks of when this happened with Jason.

"What do you mean he isn't here?" Sam says in a panicked voice.

"You checked all the rooms, right?" Christina stood up quickly, I nodded. She started running around double checking them.

Beau mumbled something but Kate heard it. "Are you fucking serious? You still think Blake is the killer? What the fuck is wrong with you?! He didn't do it! He isn't that kind of person!" Kate was raising her voice and getting angrier by the second. Before Kate did anything else, Sam interrupted. "Zayde is missing and you're really trying to argue right now man?"

Thank god for Sam. She is the only reasonable one at the moment. Beau still didn't say a thing, but Kate gave him a glare.

"And Kate, what matters now is that we find Zayde," She said initiatively. "Alive, hopefully..." She mumbled.

Kate seemed mad but at the same time understanding. Christina came back out of breath, "I couldn't find him, he's nowhere." she said, taking breaths between her words. There was a shared concerned feeling in the atmosphere, but everyone then seemed to be ignoring the obvious, Blake. I turned to look at him.

"And we are going to let the killer just sit here like he did nothing?" I shout. Kate was getting progressively more upset and was about to yell when I interrupted her. "And you better not say shit, Kate. I don't care what you have to say, Zayde is missing and we need to find him." I say to everyone.

I've been friends with Zayde since middle school. He and I have been close since then. In freshman year of highschool we both had Biology together, but so did Kate. He would talk to me all the time about her, I never really realized how much it bothered me hearing him talk about her the way he did. When Blake and Kate ended up getting together, Zayde would constantly complain about him to me. I never told him how I felt because I knew about how he felt about Kate, I knew I could never compare. Now he's missing, and I feel an emptiness inside of me. I hope he's not hurt, or worse, dead.

Hiding my pain I decided to stay strong and do everything I could. "Who saw him last?" I said.

"I saw him last night but he was going into his room to go to bed." Dixie spoke up from the corner. Nobody else said a thing.

"I guess we'll have to work with just that..." I say. "Dixie, do you mind searching through his room, closets, under the bed, cabinets maybe?"

"Sure." She slowly walked off and upstairs.

"Beau, you're a detective, maybe you can figure this out." I say looking over at him with my arms crossed.

"I can try." He says, glancing over at Blake for a second. Fortunately, he doesn't notice.

"The rest of us can split up, there has to be something here." I say walking off, everyone gets up to go look around. Kate stays to sit with Blake.

We couldn't find anything, and along with all the arguing, it was tense. If Zayde really did die, I would have no one. I couldn't bear the thought. As if my day wasn't already terrible, she spoke up again.

"So where do you think he is?" Kate began. Her eyes were dejected and her body language was off. "I'm not sure but there is a chance.." Christina started. I couldn't take it anymore.

"He is not dead until we have proof."

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