Chapter 6

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(Day five)
(Zari POV)

I woke up the next day with Jason on my side still sleeping. I try to move but he pulls me back in. Jason and I have been having issues with our relationship, these problems probably aren't that serious but I think it is. He's been texting a lot of girls claiming they are all his friends. I know he's always had a lot of girl- friends but it's hard. I don't want to be the girlfriend that says he can't have girl-friends but I have boy-friends. I just feel like he's been too friendly lately.

So a little background on me, I guess you would call what I have daddy issues. My dad left when I was little and would come back when he wanted. I've been moving around until I was fourteen because my mom would always get job promotions. That's where I met all my friends who are the ones you've met. I honestly don't remember how we all came together, but it doesn't matter now. They are the best friends I wish I had before high school.

Back to Jason and I, we knew each other for two years before we started dating. We were best friends. It just happened to be that our friends knew how we felt towards each other before we did. So we've been dating since 10th grade summer and will be attending the same school next fall after our gap year. I know it's crazy, right? Another at least 4 years in the same school. But things have gone sideways.

Fights almost every week about the same girl he just won't block, but he swears she needs support because no one else is there for her. Which I understand but she can go find another arm rest. If he keeps on speaking to her I feel like I could just punch him.

Eventually we got up a little later that day. We were a little tired since we stayed up for most of the night because of the bonfire. Jason and I take a shower then head downstairs. As we come down the stairs everyone says good morning. I say out loud "Damn, did you and Blake have a good time last night? You probably kept everyone up." I laugh as everyone looks away nodding in agreement. Blake looks happy on the other hand Kate looks embarrassed.

After setting down I offer to cook. I look in the freezer and the cabinets and pick out ribs, rice, greens and Mac n cheese. After about 2 hours all the food was ready. I rarely cook but when I do it's a miracle, I then call everyone into the kitchen. Everyone's quick to come but Jason he's kind of behind everyone looking at his phone and laughing. I'll brush it off for now. "Wow, Zari, this is really good." Beau said. Everyone shakes their head agreeing. I'm surprised everyone liked it but I did put a lot of time into it.

Later after everyone finished their food I started to clean up. Kate and Jason come over to help. I tell Kate it's fine and she can go sit down and that I needed to talk to Jason anyway. She agrees. He brings dishes over to the sink after he sets it down and wraps his arms around me. I splash water in his face and we both start laughing but I wanted to ask him about earlier. I start to speak. "Why did you smile at your phone so much earlier? I want to know what was so funny". I said. "What are you talking about?" he backs up and says. "I saw you smile at your phone and laugh, Jay". Jason responded with "Oh that I was just watching something". "You obviously weren't, you were texting I saw you and when I came around the corner you put your phone away hella quick. So what was that?" I questioned him. "It was just Emily as usual, like the girl who's always coming to me for problems." He said, looking nervous .

He was pissing me off now it was the same goddamn girl. "Oh you mean the girl I said to block, if you won't block her I'll do it myself. Give me the phone. Now." I say starting to get loud, now everyones looking at us. But I don't care. He refused, so I took it myself and backed up. At this point everyone's up. Jason's about to grab for me but Beau steps in front of him. He says "Dude relax, if there's nothing to hide let her check it". He takes a step back and everyones waiting for me to do something. I've never thought of even checking his phone but today I think I have to.

I lift his phone up typing in his password. I open his text messages and click on the contact that says Emily. I go up in the messages, I see that she says things like "I love you" and shit. He's just letting her and entertaining it. I look up past Beau, look at Jason disappointed and look back down. I want to cry but I know I can't. I don't know what to do at this point, he didn't say he loved her but I still feel betrayed. I text her and say bye for him, block her and delete her number. I turn off his phone, look at the floor then back at everyone. I look at Beau and nod letting him know it's ok. I walk over to Jason and he looks sorry but I hand him his phone and say "I love you". Then I walked up the stairs quietly, everyone wondering what I saw.

I quickly got back to my room and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I began sobbing as I leaned against the door and gradually slid down until I was sitting on the floor with my back against the door. It all just came out.

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