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The year 1991 was a developing year for India, Vasudha was among the very few females who went to study abroad. What favored her was her fortune. She was born in a very wealthy family, one of the richest in India. Her parents thought very highly of education and always let Vasudha do what she wanted. So, it wasn't a thought job for her to let Dhruv and her parents meet.

They were very fond of Dhruv, why wouldn't they be? He was from a well-off reputed family, he was well educated, his looks were on the point and he was respectful. It was easy for Vasudha but for Dhruv..

He had to do a lot with only his mother on his side, of course, a second marriage was a big deal for his father. But, at last, he had to agree. So, now the families would soon be meeting.

Dhruv was happy, but also felt troubled. On one hand his dream of claiming Vasudha by marrying was coming true on the other hand he was terrified at what she'd do when she's come to know about Sukriti. Would she be angry? Disappointed? Sad? Broken?

He never thought his first marriage would last that long. Only if he didn't give up to his father's father's wish, only if he didn't go to the US, only if he didn't find Vasudha.. Only if he didn't fall in love with her... Only if.. If he wouldn't have done those things, he would still be living worry free. What could he do? He couldn't give up on her, he won't give up on her, why would he? He loves her, he'd die for her.. Only if he could kill for her.

He spoke through the telephone "Hey, Vasu.. Can you come to the park today? The one near your hotel?"

"Hm.. Why?"

"Vasu.. Yaar, I want to." Talk to you about Sukriti. "I want to see you."

She giggled. "Fine, fine, I'll be there at..5?"

"Okay, yeah."

He ended the call. He bit his lips, only if he could tell her everything he was feeling right now, only if she could hold him while he cried about the mess in his head, only if he would tell her how much he loves her and only if he could tell her how much he feels trapped in the relationship he has with Sukriti.

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