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"Ayyee pass me the bottle, come on-"

He laughed holding the bottle up as she tried to reach him.

"Dhruvvv! Come on!" She whined as she stood on her tiptoes.

"Try to get it, shorty puff'." He laughed.

She stopped then smirked and leaned closer kissing him on the lips and taking him by surprise.

"Got it!" She shouted jumping around.

"You little-" He chuckled.

Vasudha opened the bottle and took a fresh sip of the alcoholic drink.

"Fine, I'll get another bottle." He sighed, smiling slightly as he left.

"What do you think you're doing?!" 

"Oh my god, Sukriti! You scared me!" 

"I scared you?! You're doing a sin! Women don't drink!" She shouted, snatching the bottle from her hand.

"What do you mean?! And, give that back!"

"Can't you understand? Women.Don't.Drink. At least not the women of our house, we're.. We're well raised unlike you."

"What did you say? Huh? Do you mean to say that my parents didn't raise me well?" She said, angered.

"You can clearly see that. Drinking? And then, marrying a guy who's already married! Come on, And, you do know what people around call you right?" She smirked evilly, knowing she's upsetting Vasudha.

"Vasu.. Let's go, the car's waiting."

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