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With tears in her eyes, she walked out the place while he just stood there, blank. It was his fault, there was no one to blame except him. He hated himself for making her cry, never in the years of them dating did he ever make her cry. 

He wanted to cry, to run to her and hold her.. But he can't

Men don't cry.. That's how he grew up under his father.


He was six all alone sitting near the bank, watching the wooden boats floating. The sun began to set and so did his hope. He began to realize that he really did lose his sister, his older sister whom he loved dearly. She was killed? She died out of a disease? He didn't know... He was a child. Slowly he started shaking, he started crying, sobbing, trembling.

"Dhruv." A tough voice called out for him, his father sat beside him and looked at him. He roughly wiped his tears and held his shoulder.

"Boys don't cry." He said, with anger, disgust, hatred.


Boys don't cry... 

Men don't cry...

But, they too have emotions? The too love hard and fall harder.

Boys do cry...

Men do cry..

They can. 

They are humans.

Why is the stereotype like this? Who do men always have to paint their pictures as the picture-perfect tough man? Can they not be weak?  Can they not feel hopeless?

Because, right now Dhruv was feeling hopeless, he didn't wanted to leave Vasudha, He can't imagine a day without hearing her voice. 

"Vasu.." He whispered watching her blurry figure slowly disappearing.

"Vasu.." He called out again and ran for his love, faster than he ever did.

"Va-" He took heavy breaths as he finally held her hand. "Vasudha.." He said, lowly.

"I'm sorry Vasu.. I don't love her, I love you.. I don't want to spend my life with the her but you, I want to see your smile not hers, I want you in my arms when I wake up not hers, I want your hair into my face while cuddling not hers, I want your fingers going through my hair.. I just want you and no one else." He said with tears still flowing.

"Is that so?" She wiped her tears. "Then leave her."

"I- I can't.. My father will not only make my life hell but my mother's too. I love my mother Vasudha." He said.

"Whom do you love more, me or your mother?"

He paused. He cannot choose between either of them, he just left her hand. She gave him a painful smile then walked away.

That night, he spent on the bank of a river as he saw dim lighted boats passing, the stars twinkling. He looked around, his chest hurt. He felt like there was a heavy rock on his chest, he wanted to throw up. He looked at the shining water from the moon, he looked at the moon. He could think of nothing but Vasudha, of how she lit his dark days with only a smile just like the moon did to the night.

He can't lose Vasudha..

He then remembered how his mother fought his father for him. How she slept without eating just because his father didn't let her eat because she wanted Dhruv to go to school, how his father ignored his mother for days just because she helped Dhruv to go to US for studying. He still remembers how her mother stood up for him when he didn't wanted to help his father in the dirty business he did. His mother was always there for him even when she was broken she stood strong for him, only him.

Whom will he choose? Will he choose someone? Or will he not? Will he lose himself to satisfy others or will he finally stand in front of his father for himself?

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