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"Sukriti" A poison filled name throwing hate and fire left his lips.

"Where. Is. She." He didn't question rather ordered for an answer pausing and gritting with every word. She looked ay him confused.

"What?" She slowly asked moving back because of the tension between.

"Where. Is. Vasudha."

"I don't know.. I saw her leaving this morning." She said, He calmed down.

"Where did she go?"

"Dhruv, that's none of my business, you know."

"Did she have anything?" Worry visible in his eyes, all the fights they had flashing infront.

"Hmmm.." She thought for a moment then said. "She had her brown handbag. She might've gone to her Baba's house" She said.

"She's not there, She's not picking up her phone." He sighed, massaging his forehead.

"Ask the watchman. He called her a rikshaw..."

"A rikshaw." He questioned, paused for a moment, then rushed towards the main gate.

"What kind of moment is she? Doesn't tell her husband about her whereabouts? Leaves without him, Dhruv has spoiled her a lot" She mumbled to herself collecting flowers, of course she hasn't seen any of this. An orphan bounded in backward Indian Village, and now, caged in her in laws' house.

"...And this is our garden-"

"It's nice Uncle but I don't think Dad would like it. Dad is more into modern interiors and-" He looked around and paused as his eyes landed on Sukriti, looking beautiful as ever wearing her yellow saree, her long hair in a braid and flowers decorating it while she collected more for the upcoming Puja, slow wind hitting her hair slowly moving it.

"Who might she be Uncle?" Dhruv's father, Mr. Singh looked at the direction and smiled while signaling Sukriti to come.

"My son's wife.. Sukriti" He smiled, happiness visible, he loved her with all his heart. She smiled back.

"But... I asked Dhruv, he said you weren't home."

"Uh..." Sukriti looked down. How can she say? What would she say?

"She's his first wife Angre, Sukriti. His second wife Vasudha is out."

Angre looked at her again and felt a flip, she was beautiful, it felt as if he's never seen a woman more beautiful, she was sculpted by angels, then all of a sudden he got out of his trance.

"I'm Angre." He said, she just smiled. She just smiled and he felt something.

"S- should I get you guys something Pa?"

"We'll be fine Sukriti, you may go now." She nodded and got back to what she was doing.

"Vasudha!" He raised his voice, she looked back.

"What?" She said annoyed.

"Why did you leave alone? Despite me telling you not to!" He said, his anger arising.

"Dhruv, Having a child doesn't mean that  I'll be Caged there-"

"I'm not caging you, you can go wherever you want to go but not alone, anything could happen Vasu."

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