twenty one

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"A grand funeral was held the next day, and, suddenly, everything stopped for them. For Dhruv, Vasudha and our family. It been five days now actually, Vasudha, as you know Dhruv's second wife has locked herself in her room and Dhruv too is not making an effort to talk to her, he too is in shock-"

"Oh my god, Sukriti, I asked about how you are, not them." He chuckled shaking his head as he took a seat beside her on the grass looking at her, admiring her bright dark brown eyes which shone in the moonlight. 

Sukriti looked at Angre, noticing his eyes on her. His dark eyes looking into her eyes. They seemed to be lost for a moment, in that time.. the moonlight hit them, his eyes shone looking at her. The supposedly cold hearted man was melting for a simple woman.

"W-what do you mean?" She looked away, at the river, at the sky, at the ground.. just, anywhere where she could avoid the eye contact held between them. She felt her cheeks grow warm and thanked the night sky for the new red shade of her cheeks to not be visible.

"I mean.." He said calmly, looking at her, finding her eyes, the side of her eye to be exact. "I asked about how you were doing. Not your family- they aren't even your family in the first place."

"What do you mean? And, why are you asking me how I am? Didn't we just meet yesterday?" She said, softly.

"We did.." He paused looking at the moon. "And, I asked you the same question.. You look fine Sukriti.. You are not fine.. Your eyes say a different story and the bright smile you have holds god knows how many secrets, bruises and heartbreaks.. Don't they?" 

She looked at him, her pupils dilating. He wasn't looking at her this time, instead, he was looking at the moon, while she.. was looking at her possible future world, she felt like, all she needed was Angre by his side, just him. Then she shook her head and went out of her trance, her thoughts. "..I.. You shouldn't.. I'm.. You realize I'm married, right?"

"To a man who does not care about you." He didn't look at her, she saw her Adam's apple shaking. She looked away at the river, sighing softly. 

"It's getting late. I should head home." She said as he hummed. She started walking to the gates of the mansion, before she stopped to look at him. His back facing her, his shoulders were shaking. She parted her lips to say something, to tell him she's here but then, she turned around and walked into the mansion, silently.

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