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Most people have different dreams as a child.. Some want to be a teacher, some police officer, pilots et cetera, but, it was very different for Vasudha.

As already known, she grew up reading romance novels and playing ghar-ghar. She always wanted to be a bride, a wife and later on a mother. It was her engagement ceremony with Dhruv and she was excited, she thought him having a second wife wouldn't bother her much as he doesn't love his first wife at all.

She looked beautiful in the dress she wore, for the 1990s, it was very rare to have engagement ceremonies along with the other ceremonies like bridal shower which wasn't even Indian. Most parties in India in the time period didn't have cakes (except birthday parties of course).

"Vasu.. Beta, are you ready- Oh my heavens, my child is so beautiful" Her mother smiled and hugged her

"Thanks Mom." She broke the hug smiling.

"Oh, aren't you wearing the diamond set that I brought?" She said, checking her from head to toe.

"No Ma, I think it will be too... glamourous, I want my look to be simple." She said frowning.

"What are you saying Vasudha?" Her mother said, her temper increased by a barely noticeable way. "What will people say, huh? Your father's business partners will be there also, what will they say that we don't love our daughter?"

"Fine, fine, Mom, I'll wear it."

Rings were getting exchanged and with every passing second their heartbeats were increasing. Finally their dream was becoming the reality.

Everyone, well, almost everyone was happy. Vasudha's ring had a big diamond and her mother was proud for it, Dhruv's ring was made of pure gold with small diamonds which also she was very proud of. Although the couple wanted a party with only close relatives and friends, it didn't happen considering the fact that their parents even invited their business partners, jewellers and hairdressers. 

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