twenty three

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"Bonds breakings and ties being tied. That's what was happening, It really is strange" She paused, to untangle her front strands from the roses. "In the end, what do you think will happen?"

He chuckled. "You really like this new book, don't you, sukh?" He looked at her, removing her hand from her hair and fixing it himself, adjusting the rose so it's above her- behind, her left ear as a strand falls from her right ear. The moonlight illuminated her bright face, her big, doe brown, sparkling eyes looking at him with so much.. purity. Innocence. 

She smiled softly. "Why do you call me that? You've been doing it for a while now." She chuckled.

"Sukh? You don't know what that means?" He parted his hands from her, she looks away at the stream. He read through her silence, through the theft of her kajal, through the gaps of her closed lips, through her silent-soft breaths. He read through her, he saw threw her, he fell in her. In Love. With her. "It means.. happiness. Sukh. Sukhi. Sukriti. Peace. Happiness. Fulfillment. You make me feel-" He paused, as her eyes part from the river to look at him.

She saw him, the moonlight illuminated the stream which directly illuminated his face. The way his soft eyes soften to look at her, the way his upper lip, thin and his lower lip, full go apart as she makes it hard for him to catch his breath.

He leaned towards her, then, backed away. She leaned in, his eyes glistened. He leaned towards her, a hand gently around his soft cheeks, the other around the back of her neck as he gently clasped her lips into his, a gentle kiss which he pulled within a fraction of second. She gasped, looking at him, then, standing up, walking to her mansion. Once stopping, looking back at him. His heart beat fastened. She went away.


"WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" He clasped her hands in her as she shouted.

"Shh.. shh calm down. Okay, no, no. We won't, we won't." He left the room.

Dhruv sat there, on the edge of the terrace with a cigarette in his hand. His life has been a mess. It had been years since Vasudha had the miscarriage. Dhruv moved on, Vasudha didn't. He didn't move on because he didn't love his unborn child but he did because he loved his Vasudha. Loved. Yes. He didn't love her anymore, probably. He was tired of trying to love a woman who had now become a living doll.

He suggested yet again today to try for a child again, since, he thought it'd help her move on but to no avail, nothing could help her. It only resulted in her shouting and screaming. She was no more the bright-sunshine person he fell in love with. There was an opposite change in the few years.

Bonds breakings and ties being tied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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