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All the students threw their graduation hats up in the air in joy, the Joy of graduating their college. Many got jobs, many were finding jobs, many started their businesses, many were going to start their business. Everyone was in tears, partly because they crossed a part of their life  and partly because they will be bidding a good bye to their student life. They were adults, they would now not have to listen to anyone to take their own decision. Some started planning their families while some already had their families. Some spent the evening with their lover while some spent the evening finding their lover. There was a grand party in the night and then next they, the adults were wasted.

"I had a great time." She smiled, her smile was one of the most beautiful ones. She looked at the stars above knowing it's her last week in the US. Beside her sat her lover, the person whom she loved dearly.

"Me too.." He said, laying down on the grass beside her not caring if his jacket got wet. He looked at her and thought deeply. He wanted her and he had her, he still does. She was all his. 

Growing up in India, she always had dreams for his one prince whose henna will be on her hands with the name hidden, and, she finally has him. But, does she have him all to herself? If not, she doesn't like to share..

"Don't you think the star is beautiful, Vasu?" He said looking at her.

"They are.." She smiled, a little less wide. Why not? She grew up reading those romance novels from her teenage and she always heard the male lead say 'not as beautiful as you' and right now, her lover didn't say that.

Little did she know, she missed something. Lost in the beauty of night she missed the fact that he said The Star,  not The Stars. Because the only star, the only source of light even in his dark days were his Vasudha. She's his only light and life, she's his earth, his moon, his star and.. she's his universe. All of it. He loves all of her, her scars, her moles, her lips, her soul everything. 

He is in love.

They say she fell first, but is it really? The way he loves her in many more times than she loves him.

"Vasu.." He didn't let her gaze away from her.

She looked at him in the eye. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She smiled.

He got out of his trance and smiled then looked at the sky feeling shy. "This is our last week here, What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know." She sighed. He giggled, that's one of the reasons he loves her. She's indecisive and careless while he's good at making decisions and careful.. maybe overly careful.

It was unhealthy, their love was unhealthy. It was so pure, so clean, unhidden.. That's what people thought, was it really?

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