twenty two

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"Vasu, please, calm down-" Dhruv said, holding her forearms tightly, keeping her in place while she dwelled over her dead son, her unborn son, a part of her which she didn't know is attached so much to her.

"How can I?! Isn't he your son aswell? How can I calm down when I just lost my son-" She looked at him with her red eyes.

"Your unborn son. I don't get why you are so attached." He looked away, seeing the woman he loves shattering.

Vasudha looked at him, in disbelief, her chapped lips trembling, her body movement stopped, her now tangled hair blowing along the wind softly, her glossy eyes expressing her shattered heart. Motherhood. Of course. Womanhood. Of course. But, 'loverhood' ? Was it still there? To see the man she loves being so unbothered about their lost child, their innocent child, but, her star.

To think about it, she fell on her knees as she watched Dhruv leaving her side, going into his own mansion. Unaware? Probably not. Tired? Yes. He was tired of her, her breakdowns, her dwelling, her heart breaks, her tears, her broken voices, her shattered eyes. He didn't like to see her like that, so.. he ran away. From her. From Vasudha. From his Vasu. She looked at the ground and her now muddy white dress, her dried fingers. Did she choose the right man? For the very first time in her life she was.. doubting her own decisions. Dhruv was her choice. 

She sat there, alone. No one beside. Not her parents, not her loving mother-in-law, not her husband. All alone, she thought why she was alone when she needed someone. A tear drop fell down when she felt a tap.

"You came.." She whispered.

"What happened?" What she didn't expect was a feminine voice and a pair of honey brown eyes staring at her heartbroken ones.

"Sukriti.." Vasudha whispered.

"Vasudha.." Sukriti called out, just about to speak when she was pulled down to the ground being embraced by the latter. Sukriti patted her back, stroking her dirty hair and just listened to her cries. She understood motherhood, she understood womanhood, she understood love. Only a woman could possess all the qualities. 

Sukriti stayed there, holding the woman who took her husband from her, her happiness, her future her hope from her. Snatched, in fact. While Vasudha cried on behalf of Sukriti aswell.

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