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...White sheet

...Blood stained

A yell, a shout, a screech and then a yelp. Pained expressions, broken hearts, ruined dreams. 

Sirens, red-blue lights, shifting of the white blood stained sheets, cries, sobs and whimpers. Two lives. No, one? How many?

It was a normal Friday when the couple were in their bedroom sleeping. Vasudha woke up to the feeling of something wet running down her thighs. She groggily turned the bed side lamp on letting out a loud scream of terror, horror, fear, heartbreak. Dhruv sat up straight from sleeping looking around panicked following her gaze to the bloodied white sheets, loud bangs on the door and the worried shout of Dhruv's mother calling the couple.

Everything was too hazy for him. His wife, who was now eight months pregnant cannot.. menstruate, then the blood? With the swift movement rushed her down without speaking a word he sat her down as he started driving.

"Vasu.. vasu.. stay awake, for me.. for your Dhruv."


"Flower buds are more beautiful than flowers, aren't they?" Sukriti smiled brightly looking at the flower field. Angre just stood there, observing her with a small smile. He wasn't even listening to what she was saying, just admiring her.  He knew it was wrong but he was feeling this for the first time.

"Why? Why buds? They haven't even bloomed yet" 

"They are beautiful that way, don't you think Angre?" She said, picking up a bud as the gentle wind blew her dark hair, strands of her fell on her milky white skin. He stood there, mesmerized. His heart thumping like it never did before, he hesitated to be even near her, to touch her. All he wanted to do was worship her, even the land on which she stepped on. Worship the air she breathes, the leaves she steps on, the ground she walks on, the flowers she caressed. She looked like a goddess to him. He took a step closer and was about to touch her soft hair when-

"Sukriti! Vasudha had a miscarriage" The loud sharp voice of her mother in law was heard from the balcony. The buds from Sukriti's hand dropped as she stood still, a tear escaped her eyes, Angre wasn't able to feel anything but anger for the cost of the tear. He was obsessed, he knew. He didn't want it to stop. It was wrong, he knew. He didn't want it to stop.

Yoooooo! Long time no see, eh? I'll be updating more often, so, stay tuned!

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