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She smiled looking down. Now, all the problems, issues would be solved. They won't exist anymore. Vasudha and Dhruv forever.

2 AM, she was still waiting for him.

"Dhruv." She said as soon as he entered the house, tired and sweaty, his hair messy and tie loose.

"Vasu." He smiled, gently through the tiredness. "Why are you still awake, hm?" He said gently, plopping on the couch.

"I want to tell you something." Her eyes shone, her smiled widened, it seemed like time stopped for him. He was seeing her like this after a long, no, very long time. Although he was very tired, he couldn't stop her. He still loved her, no matter how much they fight, he still loved her.

Vasu and Dhruv forever?

"What is it, Love?" 

"I" She kissed him slowly then backed off, remembering the fact that they're still in the living room.

He smiled. "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

Nothing moved just his heart which seemed to burst with the joy. He was numb, time stopped yet again. The curtains didn't flow, her smiled paused, her eyes didn't blink, her hair didn't move, the leaves paused in the air.

And then all of a sudden, things moved too fast. Too fast for him to comprehend.

"D-Dhruv?" She called out. He hugged her all of a sudden, allowing his tears to flow.

"I love you, I love you, I love you.. so much. Thank you, my love, Thank you very much." He said with breaking voice, she held me tighter, rubbing his back.

"I love you too.." She smiled, through the tears of joy.


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