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Chocolate coated strawberries...


Race cars..

"I don't want to live here!" She shouted. He stood there, feeling all the disrespect of the world. How can she yell at him when all he ever did was give her utmost true love, care and the respect she wanted. He fought his family, left his habits just for her. How can she? He didn't bear it anymore, he had enough of this. Fights and him apologizing. Every time fighting for something which starts from her and every time he has to keep his ego, even self respect aside to solve things. But, not this time.

He stormed out of the room walking towards the pond nearby. The most peaceful place known to him.

"Dhruv?" A lady's soft voice called him, He looked back.

"Sukriti? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I should be asking you that, Where is your Vasu?" She asked sitting beside him. It was dark, the moonlight hitting her face, she looked like an angel. He questioned himself why he never noticed Sukriti. Sukriti who respected each and every decision of his, the woman who never said a word against him, the woman who waited in hope but got a heartbreak. Why didn't he ever notice her? Why didn't he ever notice the pain in her eyes? If he didn't before, why does he do it now?

"It's strange at how you're staring at me.." She said, giggling.

"Sukriti, Why?" He asked, barely a whisper.

"Hm? What?" She was puzzled.

"Why would you tolerate me marrying Vasudha? Why would you wait for me so long and yet never complained?" He said, finally realizing his wrong doings to her.

"Dhruv, I love the moon." She said looking at him then at the moon. "I can't get it, yet I admire it and.. I don't get angry or impatient when it doesn't show up, instead I spend it in anticipation." She smiled, this time, reflecting the pain in her . He understood it. He didn't have the courage to look at her, he got up and walked away.

His MistressWhere stories live. Discover now